Chapter 61: Kernel Errors

This section includes error messages generated by the Adaptive Server kernel, which have text descriptions but no error numbers. These errors display only in the Adaptive Server error log.

These error messages are presented in alphabetical order, do not have a “severity” level, and often do not state the versions of Adaptive Server that can be affected.



Asynchronous I/O not available


Buffer mismatch


Could not create shared memory


Current process infected


dopen error


dstart I/O request repeatedly delayed


Failed to open device


Feature is not licensed


File already in use


Memory too fragmented


Memory usage in procedure headers


Network information message


No more alarms available


Open objects parameter may be too low


os_attach_region errors


os_create_region errors


Read/write errors


Server is unnamed


Stack guardword corrupted


time slice error


t_rcvconnect error


udunmirror errors


No more engines can be offlined
