Using '%s' for network information.
Adaptive Server uses information from the network addressing (interfaces) file located in the SYBASE directory when it starts up and when it tries to establish a connection to a remote server. At those times, Adaptive Server displays this message, including the complete path of the interfaces file which was used.
Following is an example of this message for UNIX:
kernel: Using '/usr/u/sybase/interfaces' for network information.
If a remote procedure call (RPC) is executed and no connection is currently established for that remote Server, Adaptive Server must first establish a connection to it, using a site handler process, before the RPC can be executed. Each time Adaptive Server establishes a site handler process, this informational message is written to the Adaptive Server error log.
If the site handler process times out, this message can occur many times for each remote Server. If the site handler for a remote Server does not time out, then Adaptive Server writes this message for the first RPC to that remote Server, and the message will occur only once for each remote Server.
Use sp_helpserver to
check the status of the remote Adaptive Server. If the status column
of the sp_helpserver output is “timeouts
use the following action to keep the network information message
to one occurrence.
To limit this message to one occurrence for a remote Server, disable the “timeouts” option to that remote Adaptive Server. Log in to isql as “sa” and use sp_serveroption to set the “timeouts” option to “no timeouts”:
1> sp_serveroption <remote_server>, 2> timeouts, false 3> go
Where <remote_server> is the actual name of the remote server.
This action will keep the connection to the remote Server established and maintained until either the local or remote Server is shut down. If you have a limited number of available user connections, remember that one connection per remote Adaptive Server connection will be in constant use.
Refer to the Reference Manual: Commands for information about using the sp_serveroption command.