SQL Anywhere error messages sorted by SQLSTATE

SQLSTATE Message text
00000 (no message)
01000 Warning: %1
01003 Null value eliminated in aggregate function
01004 Value truncated
01005 Encryption has not been enabled
01006 Passthrough SQL script failed
01F01 Position %1 is invalid (should be between %2 and %3)
01FW1 Polygon ring order has been reoriented
01FW2 CircularString with 3 points has been converted to use 5 points
01S02 Cursor option values changed
01W01 Invalid data conversion: NULL was inserted for column '%1' on row %2
01W02 Using temporary table
01W03 Invalid data conversion
01W04 Row has been updated since last time read
01W05 Procedure has completed
01W06 Value for column '%1' in table '%2' has changed
01W07 Language extension detected in syntax near '%1' on line %2
01W08 Statement cannot be executed
01W09 More information required
01W10 Transaction log backup page only partially full
01W11 Database option '%1' for user '%2' has an invalid setting
01W12 Character set conversion to '%1' cannot be performed; '%2' is used instead
01W13 Database server cannot convert data from/to character set '%1', conversion may not be correct
01W14 Language '%1' is not supported, '%2' will be used
01W15 Unsupported character set '%1' and unsupported language '%2'; language used is '%3' instead
01W16 Illegal user selectivity estimate specified
01W17 '%1' is an unknown option
01W18 The result returned is non-deterministic
01W20 Plan may contain virtual indexes
01W21 A row was dropped because it could not be converted to the new schema format
01W23 Cannot output the histogram for string column '%1'
01W24 Row was dropped from table %1 to maintain referential integrity
01W25 Publication predicates were not evaluated
01W26 Option '%1' specified more than once
01W27 Two rows with the same primary key have been downloaded for table '%1'
01W28 Database contains no tables to synchronize
01WC1 An invalid multi-byte input character was encountered when converting from %1 to %2
01WC3 Character substitution occurred when converting from %1 to %2
01WC4 The ICU collation '%1' has defaulted to another collation
02000 Row not found
04W07 A dbspace has reached its maximum file size
04W08 The server attempted to access a page beyond the end of the maximum allowable dbspace file size
07001 Not enough values for host variables
07002 Not enough fields allocated in SQLDA
07003 Error opening cursor
07005 Can only describe a SELECT statement
07009 Invalid descriptor index
07W01 Invalid type on DESCRIBE statement
07W02 Invalid statement
07W03 Invalid prepared statement type
07W04 SQLDA fields inconsistent for a multi-row SQLDA
07W05 SQLDA data type invalid
07W06 Invalid SQL identifier
07W07 Host variables must not be used within a batch
07W08 Invalid sqllen field in SQLDA
08001 Database cannot be started -- %1
08003 Not connected to a database
08004 User ID '%1' does not exist
08005 Password contains an illegal character
08W01 Database server not found
08W02 Connection not found
08W03 Database server connection limit exceeded
08W04 Connections to database have been disabled
08W05 Cannot open transaction log file -- %1
08W06 There are still active database connections
08W07 Unable to start database server
08W08 Invalid database server command line
08W09 Unable to start specified database: %1
08W10 Specified database not found
08W11 Specified database is invalid
08W12 Communication error
08W13 Not enough memory to start
08W14 Database name required to start server
08W15 Client/server communications protocol version mismatch
08W16 Database server not running in multi-user mode
08W17 Error writing to transaction log file
08W18 sqlpp/dblib version mismatch
08W19 Client/database server version mismatch
08W20 The database name 'utility_db' is reserved for the utility database
08W21 Authentication violation
08W22 Database page size too big: %1
08W23 Database server already running
08W24 Invalid parameter
08W25 Invalid local database option
08W26 Dynamic memory exhausted
08W27 Database name not unique
08W28 Request denied -- no active databases
08W29 Request to start/stop database denied
08W30 The selected database is currently inactive
08W32 Invalid database page size
08W33 Database creation failed: %1
08W34 Could not load the store DLL "%1"
08W35 Could not execute store DLL (%1) entry point
08W36 Cannot create item (%1) in the specified dbspace
08W37 The connection parameters file could not be found
08W38 Error parsing connection parameter string
08W39 No database file specified
08W40 Database is active
08W41 Database "%1" needs recovery
08W42 Database upgrade failed
08W43 Database upgrade not possible
08W44 Could not load the backup/restore DLL "%1"
08W45 Could not execute backup/restore DLL (%1) entry point
08W46 Error during backup/restore: %1
08W47 Incorrect database store DLL (%1) version
08W48 Authentication failed
08W49 Parse error: %1
08W51 Invalid IQ database command line option or parameter value: %1
08W52 Cannot initialize IQ memory manager: %1
08W53 Cannot allocate System V resources
08W54 Parse error: %1
08W55 Server not found and unable to automatically start
08W56 Specified database file already in use
08W57 Database upgrade not possible; RowGenerator table not owned by user dbo
08W58 Database upgrade not possible; user tables have table ids in system table range
08W59 TLS handshake failure
08W60 Connection error: %1
08W61 TLS initialization on server failed
08W62 Incorrect or missing encryption key
08W63 Decryption error: %1
08W64 Database server cannot convert data from/to character set '%1'
08W65 Client out of memory
08W66 Encryption error: %1
08W67 Unable to start specified database: Server must be upgraded to start database %1
08W68 Unable to start specified database: Log file error
08W69 jConnect does not support encryption
08W70 Could not load the encryption DLL "%1"
08W71 Parameter '%1' in procedure or function '%2' does not have a default value
08W72 Unable to start specified database: '%1' is an invalid transaction log mirror
08W73 Unable to start specified database: The transaction log '%1' or its mirror '%2' is invalid
08W74 Unable to start specified database: '%1' not expecting any operations in transaction log
08W75 Unable to start specified database: Unknown encryption algorithm
08W76 Unable to start specified database: '%1' must be upgraded to start with this server (capability %2 missing)
08W80 Unable to start specified database: Cannot use log file '%1' since it has been used more recently than the database file
08W81 Unable to start specified database: '%1': transaction log file not found
08W82 Unable to start specified database: Cannot use log file '%1' since the offsets do not match the offsets in the database file
08W83 Unable to start specified database: Cannot use log file '%1' since the database file has been used more recently
08W84 Unable to start specified database: Cannot use log file '%1' since it is shorter than expected
08W85 Unable to start specified database: '%1' is not a database
08W86 Unable to start specified database: '%1' was created by a different version of the software
08W87 Unable to start specified database: '%1' is not a valid database file
08W88 Unable to start specified database: '%1' is an invalid transaction log
08W89 Unable to start database server: Server fatal error
08W90 The DBN/DBF parameters do not match the database for this alternate server name
08W91 Cannot connect to mirror server. Use server name '%1' to find the primary server
08W92 Hash error: %1
08W93 Unable to start database %1: Cannot use read-only mode if auditing is enabled
08W94 Function '%1' has invalid parameter '%2' ('%3')
08W95 ATTACH TRACING could not connect to the tracing database
08W96 A tracing connection is already active
08W97 Unable to connect: The server did not accept the requested encryption type
08W98 Database '%1' cannot be started on this platform. See http://ianywhere.com/developer/product_manuals/sqlanywhere/notes/en/endian_corruption_warning.html
08W99 Database '%1' cannot be started on this platform. See http://ianywhere.com/developer/product_manuals/sqlanywhere/notes/en/endian_cant_change_platform.html
08WA0 Password has expired
08WA1 Password has expired but cannot be changed because the database is read-only
08WA2 Unable to start database server: missing license file
08WA3 The server is not able to establish TCP/IP connections
08WA4 Client redirected more than once
08WA5 Unable to stop specified database: %1
09W02 Illegal cursor operation attempt
09W03 Result set not permitted in '%1'
09W04 INSERT/DELETE on cursor can modify only one table
09W05 Cannot uniquely identify rows in cursor
09W06 Cursor is restricted to FETCH NEXT operations
09W07 Statement's size limit is invalid
09W08 Cannot update or delete an all-NULL row from table '%1'
0A000 Feature '%1' not implemented
0A001 The method you attempted to invoke was not enabled for your application
0A002 This server is not licensed to support the '%1' feature
0A003 This server is not licensed to support '%1' connections
0A004 This edition of SQL Anywhere is not available on this platform
0AQ48 A log is required for IQ databases
0AW01 Language extension
0AW02 Transact-SQL feature not supported
0AW03 Disallowed language extension detected in syntax near '%1' on line %2
0AW05 Statement is not allowed in passthrough mode
0AW06 Computed columns are not supported in this database
0AW07 Feature not available with UltraLite
0AW08 You cannot synchronize or upgrade with uncommitted transactions
0AW09 Synchronization server failed to commit the upload
0AW10 DTC transactions are not supported on this platform
0AW11 Download failed because of conflicts with existing rows
0AW12 Synchronization failed due to an error on the server: %1
0AW13 Cannot change synchronization user_name when status of the last upload is unknown
0AW14 Plan cannot be generated for this type of statement
0AW15 Support for materialized views is not available for this database
0AW16 The %1 algorithm is not available in FIPS mode
0AW17 Cannot change the MobiLink remote id when the status of the last upload is unknown
0AW18 The Remote Data Services feature is not supported on this platform
0AW19 Feature not supported by the client version or the client interface
0AW20 Plan not available. NOEXEC Plan cannot be generated for this type of statement
0AW21 No plan. HTML_PLAN function is not supported for this type of statement or database
0AW22 Support for permissions on dbspaces is not available for this database
0AW23 Synchronization download failed to complete
0AW24 Synchronization is already in progress
0AW26 Download failed due to an invalid or unsupported row value
0AWD5 MobiLink communication error -- code: %1, parameter: %2, system code: %3
0EW00 Table '%1' has no columns
0EW01 Index '%1' has no columns
21000 SELECT returns more than one row
21W01 Subquery cannot return more than one row
22001 Right truncation of string data
22002 No indicator variable provided for NULL result
22003 Value %1 out of range for destination
22005 Error in assignment
2200B Escape character conflict '%1'
2200C Invalid use of escape character '%1'
22012 Division by zero
22019 Invalid escape character '%1'
2201B Invalid regular expression: %1 in '%2'
22024 Unterminated C string
22025 Invalid escape sequence '%1'
22030 Cannot return NULL result as requested data type
22W02 Row has changed since last read -- operation canceled
22W03 Invalid TEXTPTR value used with WRITETEXT or READTEXT
22X13 Invalid preceding or following size in OLAP function
23501 Column '%1' in table '%2' cannot be NULL. The invalid data was supplied to LOAD TABLE in a data file on line %3
23502 Column '%1' in table '%2' cannot be NULL
23503 No primary key value for foreign key '%1' in table '%2'
23504 Number of columns allowing NULLs exceeds limit
23505 Index '%1' for table '%2' would not be unique
23506 Constraint '%1' violated: Invalid value for column '%2' in table '%3'
23507 The specified foreign key (%1) cannot be enforced
23508 Constraint '%1' violated: Invalid value in table '%2'
23509 MERGE statement ANSI cardinality violation on table '%1'
23510 MERGE statement for table '%1' failed because of a RAISERROR specification in the statement
23W01 Primary key for table '%1' is not unique : Primary key value ('%2')
23W05 Primary key for row in table '%1' is referenced by foreign key '%2' in table '%3'
24000 Cursor not in a valid state
24001 Value-sensitive cursor used after a TRUNCATE
24501 Cursor not open
24502 Cursor already open
24503 No current row of cursor
24504 Invalid scroll position '%1'
24W01 Cursor has not been declared
26501 SQL statement error
28000 Invalid user ID or password
28W01 Invalid user ID or password on preprocessed module
28W02 Integrated logins are not permitted
28W03 Integrated logins are required, standard logins are not permitted
28W04 Integrated login failed
28W05 Integrated logins are not supported for this database
28W06 The integrated login ID guest can only be mapped to the guest database user ID
28W07 Cannot map a login ID to the sys or public user ID
28W08 The login ID '%1' is already mapped to user ID '%2'
28W09 The login ID '%1' has not been mapped to any database user ID
28W10 Too many distinct group mappings for integrated user
28W11 Invalid password: %1
28W12 Kerberos login failed
28W13 Kerberos logins are not supported
28W14 Login mode '%1' not permitted by login_mode setting
28W15 Connection disallowed by login policy for this user
28W17 The synchronization failed because MobiLink returned authentication status '%1' with value '%2'
2D501 COMMIT/ROLLBACK not allowed within trigger actions
2FF04 Invalid intersection matrix '%1'
2FF05 Point is duplicated %1
2FF06 Element is an empty set (near '%1')
2FF10 Mixed spatial reference systems %1 and %2 (near %3)
2FF11 Non-contiguous curves near '%1'
2FF14 Unknown unit of measure '%1'
2FF15 Failed to transform geometry (error %1)
2FF16 Can not convert from %1 to %2 (near %3)
2FF17 Failed to transform point %1 (error %2)
2FF22 Error parsing well-known-text (WKT) scanning '%1' at offset %2
2FF23 Error parsing well-known-binary (WKB) at offset %1
2FF25 Mixed coordinate dimensions
2FF59 Unknown spatial reference system (%1)
2FF71 An ST_CircularString can not be constructed from %1 points (near '%2')
2FF72 The intermediate point (%3) of the ST_CircularString arc between %1 and %2 is collinear with but not between the start and end points
2FW02 Support for spatial is not available for this database
2FW03 Spatial feature %1 is not supported
2FW05 Error parsing well-known-text (WKT): inconsistent dimensions at offset %1
2FW06 Error parsing geometry internal serialization at offset %1
2FW08 Error parsing well-known-binary (WKB): type code %1 at offset %2 is invalid
2FW09 Error parsing well-known-binary (WKB): type code %1 at offset %2 is not a valid subtype of the parent
2FW10 Error parsing well-known-binary (WKB): unexpected end of input
2FW11 Error parsing well-known-binary (WKB): inconsistent dimensions at offset %1
2FW12 Error parsing well-known-binary (WKB): invalid byte order mark %1 at offset %2
2FW13 Error parsing shapefile record
2FW14 Error parsing shapefile attributes
2FW15 Invalid shapefile filename
2FW16 The multi patch shapefile shape is not supported
2FW19 The embedded SRID (%1) conflicts with the provided SRID (%2)
2FW20 The embedded SRID are inconsistent (%1 and %2)
2FW21 The format type '%1' is not recognized
2FW22 The format type '%1' cannot be used here
2FW23 An input string in '%1' format cannot be used here
2FW24 The format specification syntax is invalid
2FW25 The format specification option '%1' is not recognized
2FW26 The value '%2' is not a valid setting for the '%1' format specification option
2FW27 The data is not in a recognized format
2FW28 A geometry with SRID=%1 is not supported for method %2
2FW29 A geometry with SRID=%1 is not supported when computing distance between non-point geometries
2FW31 Error reading configuration file
2FW32 Invalid configuration name %1
2FW33 The comparison '%1' can not be used with geometries
2FW34 Invalid spatial reference system well-known-text (WKT)
2FW35 Invalid transform definition '%1'
2FW36 Transform definition is too long
2FW37 Transform from SRID %1 to %2 not supported
2FW38 Transform from SRID %1 not supported
2FW39 Unit of measure "%1" is not a linear unit
2FW40 Unit of measure "%1" is not an angular unit
2FW41 Invalid polygon format '%1'
2FW42 Invalid polygon: no exterior ring
2FW43 Invalid polygon nesting
2FW44 Invalid polygon: multiple exterior rings
2FW45 Table '%1' contains a spatial column '%2' and no primary key
2FW46 Spatial column '%1' can not be included in a primary key or unique index
2FW47 Spatial column '%1' can not be included in an index because it is not constrained to a single SRID
2FW48 The CONVERSION FACTOR must be specified when creating a unit of measure
2FW49 The string '%1' is not a valid axis order
2FW50 The string '%1' is not a valid coordinate name
2FW51 Unit of measure '%1' not found
2FW52 Spatial reference system '%1' not found
2FW53 Unit of measure '%1' already exists
2FW54 Spatial reference system '%1' already exists
2FW55 Spatial reference system must specify the SRID to use
2FW56 Error parsing definition string '%1'
2FW57 The spatial reference system type is not supported ('%1')
2FW58 Ellipsoid parameters missing for geographic spatial reference system
2FW59 Ellipsoid parameters specified for non-geographic spatial reference system
2FW60 Coordinate bounds missing for coordinate %1
2FW61 The specified axis order is not supported for this type of spatial reference system
2FW62 The specified polygon format '%1' is not supported for this type of spatial reference system
2FW63 Invalid storage format '%1'
2FW64 Spatial reference system %1 can not be modified because it is in use
2FW65 Spatial reference system "%1" is reserved
2FW66 Spatial unit of measure "%1" is reserved
2FW67 SRID %1 is referenced by column '%2' of table '%3'
2FW68 SRID %1 is referenced by parameter '%2' of procedure '%3'
2FW69 SRID %1 is referenced by domain "%3"."%2"
2FW70 The SRID %1 does not identify a geographic spatial reference system
2FW71 ST_Geometry arguments not supported by SQL function %1
2FW72 An expression of type %1 is not union-compatible with type %2
2FW73 An internal error has occurred in the spatial library
2FW77 Curve contains nearly antipodal points %1 and %2 (near '%3')
2FW78 LineString must contain at least 2 points (near '%1')
2FW79 Value %1 out of range for coordinate %2 (SRS bounds [%3, %4] exceeded by more than 50%)
2FW80 Invalid polygon: ring is not closed (near '%1')
2FW81 Invalid polygon: ring has zero area (near '%1')
2FW82 Invalid polygon: curve is not a ring
2FW83 Invalid polygon: ring is larger than allowed for SRID=%1 (near '%2')
2FW84 Geometries with CircularString not supported (near "%1")
2FW85 Geometries with CircularString are not supported in spatial reference system %1
2FW86 Invalid grid size %1
2FW87 Invalid tolerance %1
2FW88 Invalid bounds for coordinate %1 (near "BETWEEN %2 AND %3")
2FW89 ST_MultiSurface contains elements with an invalid intersection (near "%1")
2FW90 Operation not supported for ST_GeomCollection with intersecting elements (near "%1")
2FW91 Support for spatial is not available for this CPU
2FW92 Geometry expressions can not be used in the ORDER BY specification (near '%1')
33000 Invalid SQL descriptor name
37505 Wrong number of parameters to function '%1'
38W01 System command failed with return code %1
3B001 Savepoint '%1' not found
3BW01 Savepoints require a rollback log
3BW02 Result set not allowed from within an atomic compound statement
40000 Run time SQL error -- %1
40001 Deadlock detected
40W01 Internal database error %1 -- transaction rolled back
40W02 Terminated by user -- transaction rolled back
40W03 Disk full '%1' -- transaction rolled back
40W04 I/O error %1 -- transaction rolled back
40W05 Disk write failure '%1' -- transaction rolled back
40W06 All threads are blocked
40W07 Connection was terminated
40W08 Memory error -- transaction rolled back
42501 Permission denied: %1
42R01 Referential integrity actions other than RESTRICT not allowed for temporary tables
42R02 Tables related by key constraint must both be permanent, or both be temporary and not created with ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS. For global temporary tables they must both be shared if one is shared
42R03 Key constraint between temporary tables requires a primary key (not unique constraint)
42R04 Foreign key columns do not match the primary key or a uniqueness constraint in "%1"
42U00 View references '%1', which is a temporary object. Views can only refer to permanent objects
42U01 Illegal reference to correlation name '%1'
42U02 Owner '%1' used in a qualified column reference does not match correlation name '%2'
42U03 SET clause for column '%1' used incorrectly
42U04 Constraint '%1' not found
42U05 (no message)
42U06 Invalid reference to or operation on constraint '%1'
42U07 Invalid hint specified for table '%1'
42U08 Duplicate options not allowed in the CREATE DATABASE statement
42U09 Outer reference not permitted in DML derived table
42W01 User '%1' already has GRANT permission
42W02 Operation would cause a group cycle
42W03 User '%1' is not a user group
42W04 Syntax error near '%1' %2
42W05 Unknown function '%1'
42W06 Invalid use of an aggregate function
42W07 Invalid host variable
42W08 Invalid expression near '%1'
42W09 SETUSER not allowed in procedures, triggers, events, or batches
42W13 Invalid column number
42W14 Variable '%1' not found
42W15 There is already a variable named '%1'
42W16 Invalid option '%1' -- no PUBLIC setting exists
42W17 Invalid setting for option '%1'
42W18 User '%1' has the row in '%2' locked
42W19 Not allowed while '%1' is using the database
42W20 CHECKPOINT statement requires a rollback log
42W21 Table in use
42W22 Attempted two active database requests
42W23 Procedure in use by '%1'
42W24 Label '%1' not found
42W25 Invalid absolute or relative offset in FETCH
42W26 Wrong number of variables in FETCH
42W28 COMMIT/ROLLBACK not allowed within atomic operation
42W29 Procedure or trigger calls have nested too deeply
42W30 Update operation attempted on a read-only cursor
42W31 Update operation attempted on non-updatable query
42W32 Cannot modify column '%1' in table '%2'
42W33 Table '%1' not found
42W34 User '%1' already has membership in group '%2'
42W35 Update operation attempted on non-updatable remote query
42W36 FOR UPDATE has been incorrectly specified for a READ ONLY cursor
42W37 Cannot update column '%1' since it appears in the ORDER BY clause
42W38 Cannot update column '%1' since it does not appear in the SELECT clause
42W39 Conflicting INSTEAD OF trigger and WITH CHECK OPTION on view '%1'
42W3A Operation failed because table or view '%1' has an INSTEAD OF trigger
42W3B Positioned update operation attempted on a view with an INSTEAD OF trigger
42W3C Invalid trigger type for view '%1'
42W3D Triggers cannot be created on materialized view '%1'
42W40 Duplicate referencing column
42W41 Duplicate insert column
42W42 Parameter name missing in call to procedure '%1'
42W43 Only PUBLIC settings are allowed for option '%1'
42W44 More columns are being dropped from table '%1' than are defined
42W45 Cannot set a temporary option for user '%1'
42W46 Only the DBA can set the option '%1'
42W47 Parameter '%1' not found in procedure '%2'
42W48 Syntax error, cannot specify IQ specific options without specifying IQ PATH
42W49 TRUNCATE TABLE statement cannot be used on a view
42W50 READTEXT or WRITETEXT statement cannot refer to a view
42W51 VALIDATE statement must refer to a base table
42W52 The option '%1' can only be set as a temporary option
42W53 The option '%1' cannot be set from within a procedure
42W54 Signature '%1' does not match procedure parameters
42W55 User owns procedures in use
42W56 User owns tables in use
42W57 External object '%1' not found
42W58 JAR '%1' not found
42W59 The select list for the derived table '%1' has no expression to match '%2'
42W60 Alias '%1' is not unique
42W61 Definition for alias '%1' must appear before its first reference
42W62 Row in table '%1' was modified or deleted in BEFORE trigger
42W63 Procedure '%1' is no longer valid
42W64 Trigger or foreign key for table '%1' is no longer valid
42W65 Function or column reference to '%1' in the ORDER BY clause is invalid
42W66 Trigger name '%1' is ambiguous
42W67 CREATE/DROP STATISTICS statement cannot refer to virtual tables
42W68 Aggregated expression '%1' contains multiple columns of which one or more are outer references
42W69 The aggregate expression '%1' must appear in either the select list or a HAVING clause subquery
42W70 Grouped query contains more than one distinct aggregate function
42W71 Statement contains an illegal usage of the NUMBER(*) function
42W73 There is no way to join to '%1'
42W74 Index '%1' cannot be clustered
42W75 Synchronization profile '%1' not found
42W76 Synchronization profile '%1' already exists
42W77 Synchronization profile '%1' has invalid parameter '%2'
42W78 Synchronization profiles are not supported for this database
42W79 Statement contains an illegal usage of the non-deterministic function '%1'
42W80 Another connection has the row in '%1' locked
42W82 Cannot delete PUBLIC option '%1' since user settings exist
42W83 Invalid setting for HTTP option '%1'
42W84 Invalid setting for HTTP header '%1'
42W85 '%1' is an invalid value for '%2'
42W86 Invalid setting for SOAP header '%1'
42W89 More articles are being dropped from publication '%1' than are defined
42W90 Illegal ORDER BY in aggregate function
42W91 A transaction log file is required for auditing
42W92 Service type required for CREATE SERVICE
42W93 Cycle in common table expression references
42W94 '%1' is an unrecognized service type
42W95 Invalid service name '%1'
42W96 A user name must be specified if AUTHORIZATION is Off
42W97 Service '%1' already exists
42W98 Service '%1' not found
42W99 Invalid recursive query
42W9A No column list for recursive query
42W9B Host variable reference in service definition must be named
42W9C Service statement definition is inconsistent with service type
42W9D Constant expressions must not appear in GROUP BY clause
42W9E Service definition requires a statement when authorization is off
42WA0 Recursion is not allowed without the RECURSIVE keyword
42WA1 Too many expressions in GROUP BY list for ROLLUP, CUBE, or GROUPING SETS operation
42WA2 Recursive column %1: conversion from '%2' to '%3' loses precision
42WA3 Window '%1' not found
42WA4 PARTITION BY not allowed in reference to window '%1'
42WA5 ORDER BY not allowed in window '%1'
42WA6 Frame not allowed for window '%1'
42WA7 Argument to GROUPING aggregate must be a grouping column in the GROUP BY clause
42WA8 Window function used in predicate
42WA9 Window function requires ORDER BY
42WAA Composite ORDER BY not allowed with RANGE
42WAB User '%1' already has EXECUTE permission
42WAC Too many arguments for function or procedure '%1'
42WAD Invalid value for attribute '%1' in service
42WAE Missing value for attribute '%1' in service
42WAF Unsupported property '%1' in service USING attribute
42WB0 Duplicate attribute '%1' in service
42WB1 USING attribute cannot coexist with FORMAT or GROUP attributes
42WB2 Service type does not allow '%1' attribute
42WB3 Syntax error near '%1' -- Materialized view definition must not use the following construct: '%2'
42WB4 Syntax error near '%1' -- The materialized view cannot be changed to immediate because its definition contains an illegal construct: '%2'
42WB5 Materialized View '%1' not found
42WB6 Cannot create a materialized view because option '%1' has an inappropriate setting
42WB7 Cannot update materialized view because option '%1' has an inappropriate setting
42WB8 Table created or altered after start of snapshot
42WB9 Statement not allowed during snapshot
42WBA Update conflict on snapshot transaction
42WBB Attempt to use snapshot isolation in a non-snapshot transaction
42WBC Cannot use materialized view '%1' because it has not yet been initialized
42WBD Cycle in computed column dependencies
42WBE Cannot revoke these permissions while user '%1' is actively replicating transactions
42WBF Correlation name '%1' is not valid for use with the ROWID function
42WC0 Duplicate key column (%1)
42WC1 Table '%1' contains an invalid reference to the ROWID function
42WC2 The '%1' property is no longer supported
42WC3 The materialized view %1 cannot be changed to immediate because it has already been initialized
42WC4 Unable to acquire table locks in specified time
42WC5 The materialized view cannot be changed to immediate because its definition must not contain more than one query block
42WC6 The materialized view cannot be changed to immediate because COUNT(*) is required to be part of the SELECT list
42WC7 The materialized view cannot be changed to immediate because it does not have a unique index on non-aggregate non-nullable columns
42WC8 Maintenance of dependent immediate materialized view(s) failed
42WC9 Attempt to start a second snapshot in a transaction
42WCA The materialized view %1 cannot be changed to immediate because it does not have a unique index on non-nullable columns
42WCB The materialized view cannot be changed to immediate because its definition contains an illegal construct
42WCC Service statement definition is invalid or unsupported
42WCD Immediate materialized view definition cannot contain a SUM function over a nullable expression
42WCE The materialized view cannot be changed to immediate because its select list contains a SUM function over a nullable expression and it doesn't contain COUNT function over the same expression
42WD3 Must own table '%1' to make an immediate view reference it
42WD4 FOR UPDATE or FOR READ ONLY clause must be specified on PREPARE (not on DECLARE CURSOR)
42WE0 The function '%1' does not allow use of the '%2' clause
42WE1 The function '%1' requires the use of the '%2' clause
42WE2 User owns sequences in use
42WE3 Sequence '%1' in use by another connection
42WE4 The materialized view cannot be changed to immediate because the ON conditions must refer to both side of the OUTER JOIN
42WE5 VERIFY and RENAME cannot be used together
42WE6 Mirror server "%1" defined with type COPY does not include a parent definition
42WE7 The materialized view cannot be changed to immediate because the ON conditions refer to tables which are not in the null-supplying and preserved sides of the OUTER JOINs
42WE8 The materialized view cannot be changed to immediate because at least one non nullable column from any null-supplying side of an OUTER JOIN must exist in the select list
42WE9 The materialized view cannot be changed to immediate because the primary key columns of any table in the preserved side of an OUTER JOIN must exist in the select list
42X00 Type '%1' does not support method calls (near '%2')
42X01 Type '%1' has no method named '%2' (near '%3')
42X02 Method invocation '%1' does not match an overload (near '%2'). Available overloads are '%3'
42X03 Type '%1' is not instantiable (near '%2')
42X04 Method '%1' can not be called with %2 arguments (near '%3')
42X05 Type '%1' can not be instantiated with %2 arguments (near '%3')
42X06 The instantiation '%1' does not match an overload (near '%2'). Available overloads are '%3'
42Z00 Write access was denied
44000 WITH CHECK OPTION violated for insert/update on base table '%1'
52002 Column '%1' found in more than one table or it is used more than once in the select list -- it needs a correlation name
52003 Column '%1' not found
52004 Derived table '%1' has no name for column %2
52005 Column '%1' not found in table '%2'
52009 Primary key column '%1' already defined
52010 Item '%1' already exists
52012 More than one table is identified as '%1'
52W02 Correlation name '%1' not found
52W03 Cannot find index named '%1'
52W04 Index name '%1' not unique
52W05 Table cannot have two primary keys
52W06 Foreign key '%1' for table '%2' duplicates an existing foreign key
52W07 Foreign key name '%1' not found
52W08 There is more than one way to join '%1' to '%2'
52W09 Procedure '%1' not found
52W10 Trigger '%1' not found
52W11 Trigger definition conflicts with existing triggers
52W12 Invalid REFERENCES clause in trigger definition
52W13 Dbspace '%1' not found
52W14 Table '%1' is in an outer join cycle
52W15 Table '%1' requires a unique correlation name
52W16 User message %1 already exists
52W17 User message %1 not found
52W18 User-defined type '%1' not found
52W19 Dbspace for table '%1' not found
52W20 Too many columns in table
52W21 Data definition statements not allowed in procedures or triggers
52W22 GRANT of column permission on view not allowed
52W23 Invalid expression in WHERE clause of Transact-SQL outer join
52W24 Invalid join type used with Transact-SQL outer join
52W25 Invalid comparison
52W26 Invalid commit action for shared temporary table
52W40 Index name '%1' is ambiguous
52W41 Too many temporary tables in connection
52W42 Table name '%1' is ambiguous
52W43 Default dbspace '%1' not found
52W44 Sequence '%1' not found
52W45 Sequence name '%1' is ambiguous
52W46 Invalid operation '%2' on sequence '%1'
52W47 Sequence '%1' already exists
52W48 No more values available in sequence %1
52W49 Definition for sequence '%1' is invalid
52W50 Multiple settings of same option specified for sequence '%1'
52W51 The 'currval' operator is not defined yet for sequence '%1' for this connection
52W52 Sequence generators are not supported for this database
52W53 Unique indexes with the clause WITH NULLS NOT DISTINCT are not supported for this database
52W54 Cannot specify range that excludes next value for sequence %1
53002 Wrong number of values for INSERT
53003 Function or column reference to '%1' must also appear in a GROUP BY
53005 Invalid ORDER BY specification
53011 Number of columns defined for the view does not match SELECT statement
53017 Cannot convert %1 to a %2. The bad value was supplied for column '%3' on row %4 of the data file
53018 Cannot convert %1 to a %2
53019 Return type of void from procedure '%1' cannot be used in any expression
53020 TREAT AS can only be used with extended types. Can not treat %1 as a %2
53021 Can not treat value '%1' as type %2. The dynamic type is %3
53023 Subquery allowed only one select list item
53026 Select lists in UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT do not match in length
53030 Column '%1' in foreign key has a different definition than primary key
53W01 ALTER clause conflict
53W02 Cannot update an expression
53W04 There is no way to join '%1' to '%2'
53W05 Cannot alter a column in an index
53W06 Cannot delete or rename a column referenced in a trigger definition
53W07 Error number %1 for RAISERROR must not be less than 17000
53W08 Format string argument number %1 is invalid
53W09 Invalid data type for column in WRITETEXT or READTEXT
54003 Identifier '%1' too long
54W01 Statement size or complexity exceeds server limits
54W02 Too many constraints in database
54W03 Database page size too small: %1
54W04 The specified listener could not be registered
54W05 Temporary space limit exceeded
54W06 The string is too long (%1)
54W07 Password must be at least %1 characters
54W08 Password cannot be longer than %1 characters
54W09 The size of the character column, variable, or value data type exceeds 32767
54W10 Too many users in database
54W11 Too many references to a BLOB
54W12 Too many open cursors
54W13 Too many columns in SELECT list
54W14 Too many expressions in GROUP BY list
54W15 Too many columns in procedure result set
54W16 Too many MESSAGE ... FOR CONNECTION messages
54W17 Maximum string length exceeded
54W50 Virtual index creation with more than %1 columns
54W51 Reorganize table is already being run on table "%1"
54W52 Invalid domain '%1'
55008 Table '%1' has no primary key
55013 Table already has a primary key
55W02 Table must be empty
55W05 Cannot drop a user that owns messages or data types
55W06 Cannot drop a user that owns objects involved in replication
55W07 db_init has not been called or the call to db_init failed
55W08 Modifications not permitted for read-only database
55W09 Cannot commit or rollback while enlisted in a transaction
55W10 Cannot enlist in a transaction while already enlisted in a transaction
55W11 Cannot enlist in a transaction with uncommitted data pending
55W12 Cannot drop a user that owns text configurations
55W14 Invalid operation on a closed object
55W15 Service '%1' in use
55W16 Cannot drop or modify object '%1' because at least one other object ( %2 '%3') depends upon it
55W17 Cannot use view '%1' because it has been disabled
55W18 Cannot use view '%1' because it is invalid
55W19 Illegal column definition: %1
55W20 This database does not support encrypted tables
55W21 Cannot drop last unique index of an immediate materialized view
55W23 Snapshot isolation disabled or pending
55W24 Could not refresh tracing: at least one enabled tracing level must be specified
55W25 Transact-SQL outer joins are currently disabled
55W26 The dbspace '%1' cannot be dropped because it contains tables or indexes
55W27 Encryption has not been enabled
55W28 Traced query (%1, %2) does not exist
55W29 Cannot update multiple tables immediate materialized view %1 depends on
55W30 TRUNCATE TABLE not allowed: initialized immediate materialized view %1 depends on %2
55W31 Operation not allowed on a table with dependent immediate materialized views
55W32 WRITETEXT not allowed: immediate materialized view %1 depends on %2
55W33 INSERT ... ON EXISTING UPDATE not allowed: immediate materialized view %1 depends on %2
55W34 Configuration cannot not be modified while in use
56001 Table '%1' has a foreign key with a referential action
57014 Statement interrupted by user
57015 Too many recursive iterations
57W01 Request interrupted due to timeout
57W02 Use of feature '%1' is not allowed
57W03 Not enough free space on device to grow dbspace '%1' by requested amount
57W04 Use of statement '%1', which requires feature '%2', is not allowed
57W05 Statement timed out: '%1'
5RW01 Publication '%1' not found
5RW02 Table '%1' has publications
5RW03 Subscription to '%1' for '%2' already exists
5RW04 Subscription to '%1' for '%2' not found
5RW05 User '%1' is already the publisher for this database
5RW06 User '%1' is not a remote user for this database
5RW07 Remote message type '%1' not found
5RW08 Passthrough statement inconsistent with current passthrough
5RW09 Remote statement failed
5RW10 Multiple consolidated users cannot be defined
5RW11 Synchronization message type '%1' not found
5RW12 Cannot find synchronization subscription with the name '%1'
5RW13 Cannot subscribe to '%1'
5RW14 Cannot modify synchronization entry using ALTER PUBLICATION
5RW15 Cannot modify publication entry using ALTER SYNCHRONIZATION
5RW16 Cannot synchronize table '%1' since it does not have a primary key
5RW17 Must include primary key for table '%1' in the synchronization
5RW18 Cannot create synchronization entry for table '%1' with BLOB primary key
5RW19 Cannot update primary key for table '%1' involved in a publication
5RW21 Cannot register '%1' since another exclusive instance is running
5RW22 Cannot register another '%1' as an exclusive application
5RW23 Cannot register connection because of invalid application cookie
5RW24 Cannot deregister application because of invalid cookie
5RW25 Cannot deregister '%1' since active registered connection exists
5RW26 Current connection is already registered to '%1' as '%2'
5RW27 Another connection has already registered as '%1'
5RW28 Cannot register '%1' since registration cookie exhausted
5RW29 Cannot register connection to '%1' since automatic label exhausted
5RW32 Synchronization option '%1' contains semi-colon, equal sign, curly brace, or is null
5RW33 Synchronization option '%1' not found
5RW34 Synchronization option is too long
5RW35 Table '%1' is part of a synchronization subscription and can only be ALTERed within a synchronization schema change
5RW36 Table '%1' is already included
5RW37 Cannot find synchronization user with the name '%1'
5RW38 Operation conflict with publication type
5RW40 Subscription '%1' not found
5RW41 This operation is only allowed within a synchronization schema change
5RW42 Data modifications are not allowed in a synchronization schema change
5RW43 Synchronization failed with internal error: %1
5RW44 Synchronization failed. Check the synchronize_results table for more information
5RW45 Failed to start the Dbmlsync server
5RW46 Failed to connect to the Dbmlsync server
5RW47 The SYNCHRONIZE statement timed out
5RW48 The database server failed to shutdown the Dbmlsync server
5RW49 The Dbmlsync server failed to shutdown in a timely manner
99999 User-defined exception signaled
WB001 Unknown backup operation
WB002 Database backup not started
WB003 Incomplete transactions prevent transaction log renaming
WB004 Unable to delete database file
WB005 Transaction log was truncated
WB006 Contents of backup files are inconsistent
WB007 Backup file format is invalid
WB008 RESTORE unable to open file '%1'
WB009 RESTORE unable to write to file '%1'
WB010 RESTORE unable to start database '%1'
WB011 Unable to open backup log '%1'
WB012 Backup file '%1' already exists
WB013 Invalid backup operation
WB014 Connection attempting BACKUP has uncommitted transactions
WB015 Invalid backup parameter value
WB016 BACKUP clause '%1' conflicts with '%2'
WB017 Backup is unable to open database file '%1'
WC001 '%1' is an unknown character set encoding label
WC002 Cannot convert between requested character set '%1' and database character set '%2'
WC003 An invalid multi-byte input character was encountered when converting from %1 to %2
WC004 The UTF-16 endian specified does not match the Byte Order Mark found in the data
WC005 Character substitution was required when converting from %1 to %2
WC007 Character conversion error or warning report is not available when the single-byte converter is used
WC008 Cannot convert between requested character sets '%1' and '%2'
WC009 '%1' is not a valid character set encoding for use with collation '%2'
WC010 '%1' cannot be used as the NCHAR collation: only UCA and UTF8BIN may be used
WC011 Failed to convert from character set '%1' to '%2'
WC012 dbicu libraries are required but not installed
WC013 Collation '%1' not supported on this platform
WC014 The dbicu library and server versions do not match
WC015 Unable to start database "%1": CHAR collation or tailoring not supported on this platform
WC016 Unable to start database "%1": NCHAR collation or tailoring not supported on this platform
WC017 '%1' cannot be used as the encoding specification for '%2' data
WC018 Unknown collation '%1'
WE001 Event '%1' not found
WE002 Event '%1' already exists
WE003 Schedule '%1' for event '%2' not found
WE004 Schedule '%1' for event '%2' already exists
WE005 Invalid day of week or month '%1' for event '%2'
WE006 Invalid time '%1' for event '%2'
WE007 Invalid start date/time for event '%1'
WE008 System event type '%1' not found
WE009 Event '%1' in use
WE010 Start date/time for non-recurring event '%1' is in the past
WE011 Event notification queue '%1' is full, notification discarded
WE012 Event notifications lost on queue '%1'
WE013 Event notification queue '%1' not found warning
WE014 Event notification queue '%1' not found
WE015 Event object name '%1' is not valid
WE016 Event object named '%1' already exists
WE017 No notification within timeout on queue '%1'
WE018 Event parameter '%1' not found
WI002 Index validation failed for table %1, index %2 with code: %3
WI003 Database page validation failed with code: %1
WI004 Internal rollback log corrupted
WI005 Unable to find in index '%1' for table '%2'
WI009 Cannot serialize Java object with class '%1'
WI010 The optimizer was unable to construct a valid access plan
WI011 Required operators excluded
WJ001 Method '%1' cannot be called at this time
WJ003 The specified transaction isolation is invalid
WJ004 The cursor name '%1' already exists
WJ005 Input parameter index out of range
WJ030 External environment '%1' could not be found
WJ031 External environment does not support result sets
WL001 '%1' is not a known file format for loading or unloading tables
WL002 Cannot access file '%1' -- %2
WL004 UNLOAD TABLE cannot be used to unload a view
WL005 Unable to enlist transaction; DTC may be down
WL006 Unable to reenlist transaction; DTC may be down
WL007 LOAD TABLE not allowed on temporary table with ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS
WL008 LOAD TABLE not permitted on mirrored database
WL009 LOAD TABLE not allowed on temporary table which has foreign key references from another table
WL010 The logging type ( '%1' ) specified is invalid, not supported or incompatible
WL011 Unable to close the cursor on table "%1". LOAD TABLE cannot be executed
WL012 Cannot append when using compression or encryption
WL013 LOAD TABLE error: %1
WL014 LOAD TABLE is not allowed on a materialized view %1
WL015 LOAD TABLE not allowed: initialized immediate materialized view %1 depends on %2
WL016 LOAD TABLE option '%1' not allowed with FORMAT %2
WL017 LOAD TABLE error: invalid content encountered on row %1 of the data file
WL018 Format '%1' is not supported in the UNLOAD statement
WO001 Unable to connect to server '%1': %2
WO002 Unable to connect, server definition is circular
WO003 Remote server '%1' is currently configured as read-only
WO004 Remote server '%1' could not be found
WO005 Server '%1': %2
WO006 Backward scrolling cursors are not supported for remote objects
WO007 The remote table '%1' could not be found
WO008 Could not access column information for the table '%1'
WO010 %1
WO011 The remote server does not support an auto-incrementing data type
WO012 Remote server does not have the ability to support this statement
WO013 External login for server '%1' could not be found
WO014 Server capability name '%1' could not be found in the database
WO015 The data type specified for column '%1' is not compatible with the actual data type
WO016 The column '%1' does not exist in the remote table
WO017 The length specified for column '%1' is different than the actual length
WO018 NULL attribute mismatch for column '%1'
WO019 Identity attribute mismatch for column '%1'
WO020 The table specification '%1' identifies more than one remote table
WO021 Creating remote tables with computed columns is not supported
WO022 The data type of column '%1' is not supported
WO023 Cannot handle expressions involving remote tables inside stored procedures
WO024 Specified local connection ID not found
WO025 Local connection ID does not refer to the current database
WO026 Cannot close a remote JDBC connection that is not the current connection
WO027 File system error: %1
WO028 User cannot be dropped because external logins exist for this user
WP000 Argument %1 of procedure '%2' cannot be NULL
WP001 Procedure '%1' terminated with unhandled exception '%2'
WP002 '%1' is not a valid class file
WP003 Could not decompress class '%1' from JAR
WP004 Cannot remove class '%1': member of JAR
WP005 Invalid class byte code
WP006 External environment could not be started, '%1' could not be found
WP007 Namespace heap exhausted at internal function: %1
WP008 Java VM heap exhausted at internal function: %1
WP009 Resource governor for '%1' exceeded
WP010 Invalid JAR file
WP011 Previous error lost before RESIGNAL
WP012 %1 returned a result set with a different schema than expected
WP013 %1 returned multiple result sets
WP014 %1 does not return a result set
WP015 Insufficient cache to start Java VM
WP016 Warning detected when optimizing SELECT INTO is treated as an error
WT001 Argument "%1" must be a column reference
WT002 All column reference arguments must refer to the same table
WT003 No matching text index
WT004 Non-constant or unknown text query string
WT005 Text configuration "%1"."%2" not found
WT006 Text configuration "%1" already exists
WT007 Term length outside allowed range
WT008 Invalid collation: "%1"
WT009 Text query parser error: %1
WT010 Error creating text index "%1" on table "%2"
WT011 Text indexes are not supported for this database
WT012 Cannot alter or drop a text configuration referenced by a text index
WT013 Cannot access a table that is part of a text index
WT014 Cannot create text configuration '%1' because option '%2' has an inappropriate setting
WT015 Statement not allowed on IMMEDIATE REFRESH text index
WT016 Invalid use of NEAR operator in text query
WT017 The arguments to this procedure must be literal strings
WT018 The provided stoplist is too long
WT019 The text index %1 needs to be refreshed
WT020 A CONTAINS query is not allowed on the view or derived table '%1'
WT021 Could not create a new text index for this table with the same settings as "%1"
WT022 Text queries cannot contain more than 300 terms
WT023 The value for the stoplist cannot be NULL
WT024 An incremental refresh is not possible when handles are exhausted
WT025 Invalid stoplist value
WT026 Invalid external term breaker name specified
WT027 Error initializing external prefilter
WT028 Error initializing external term breaker
WT029 Invalid external prefilter name specified
WT030 Could not create a text index without external prefilter library on column "%1"
WT031 Could not create a text index with external prefilter library on column "%1"
WT032 Error from external library: -%1 : %2
WT033 Text indexes are not allowed across server types
WT034 Text index with external prefilter cannot contain both binary and string columns
WT035 Database needs to be upgraded to support the use of external libraries with text indexes
WT036 Text index %1 cannot be used with text procedure %2
WU001 '%1' is an unknown property
WW001 The pattern is too long
WW002 Cannot stop the database server
WW003 Calling functions outside the database server is not supported
WW004 Mismatch between external function platform specifier and current operating system
WW005 Need a dynamic library name
WW006 Could not load dynamic library '%1'
WW007 Could not find '%1' in dynamic library '%2'
WW008 Could not allocate resources to call external function
WW009 Expression has unsupported data type
WW010 Too many parameters to this external procedure call
WW011 A thread used internally could not be started
WW012 RAISERROR executed: %1
WW013 Class '%1' has no public field '%2'
WW014 Invalid type for field reference
WW015 Field '%1' of class '%2' cannot be NULL
WW016 Index type specification of '%1' is invalid
WW017 An attempt to delete database '%1' failed
WW018 Cannot deserialize Java object
WW019 Rollback occurred due to deadlock during prefetch
WW020 Invalid request log format on line %1
WW022 Cannot create an index on Java class '%1'
WW023 Cannot insert or update computed column '%1'
WW024 The communications environment could not be created
WW025 An internal error was generated by the test harness
WW026 Version 'V%1' interface used by external function call '%2' is not supported for execution in the current context
WW027 A conflict with the dbmlsync download phase was detected
WW028 At least one of the specified dbspaces was not calibrated
WW029 A workload capture (%1) is already in progress
WW030 No workload capture currently exists
WW031 Cannot access schema file '%1'
WW032 The status of the last synchronization upload is unknown
WW033 A schema upgrade is not currently allowed
WW034 The database '%1' was not found
WW035 This connection already exists
WW036 Information for synchronization is incomplete or invalid, check '%1'
WW037 Compression error: %1
WW038 Decompression error: %1
WW039 Input string is not base64-encoded
WW040 UltraLite connection was restored
WW041 UltraLite cursor (or result set or table) was restored
WW042 Checksums are not enabled in this database
WW043 File I/O failed for '%1'
WW044 Incorrect volume ID for '%1'
WW045 The operation failed because column '%1''s type does not support streaming
WW046 Script file missing statement "go" delimiter on a separate line
WW047 Directory for output file does not exist
WW048 Output file cannot be written
WW049 The URI '%1' is invalid
WW050 Unable to connect to the remote host specified by '%1'
WW051 Connection timed out
WW052 HTTP request failed. Status code '%1'
WW053 Could not initialize the encryption DLL: '%1'
WW055 Invalid procedure type '%1'
WW056 Invalid procedure subtype '%1' for type '%2'
WW057 Invalid response from the HTTP server
WW058 NAMESPACE attribute is not valid with procedure type '%1'
WW059 The secure connection to the remote host failed: %1
WW060 Clause '%1' has invalid attribute '%2'
WW061 The database was created
WW062 The option '%1' is not recognized
WW063 Secure HTTP connections are not supported on this platform
WW064 The '%1' attribute is not valid with procedure type '%2'
WW065 Cannot add a comment to a table declared as LOCAL TEMPORARY
WW066 Could not refresh tracing: invalid tracing specification on sa_diagnostic_tracing_level row %1
WW067 Could not refresh tracing: failed to find object %1 on row %2
WW068 Could not refresh tracing: volatile_statistics have to be collected in order for %1 specified on row %2 to be collected
WW069 ATTACH TRACING TO LOCAL DATABASE cannot be used with a strongly encrypted database
WW070 The http header '%1' is reserved and cannot be modified
WW071 The specified http header contains illegal or non-ASCII characters
WW072 The specified http header is malformed
WW073 Column '%1' not part of any indexes in its containing table
WW074 Unable to retry download because upload is not finished
WW075 No partial download was found
WW077 Too many publications specified for operation
WW078 Unable to access the filesystem on the device
WW079 Unable to perform requested operation since this database uses keyless encryption
WW080 Synchronization process was unable to re-enter synchronization
WW081 Information for synchronization was not provided
WW082 Specified file system volume not found for database '%1'
WW083 A row cannot be stored because it exceeds the database page size
WW084 Exceeded maximum of '%1' allowable parameters
WW085 Invalid mime type '%1'
WW086 The '%1' attribute contains mismatched parentheses within '%2'
WW087 The '%1' attribute is missing a comma within '%2'
WW088 The attribute '%1' sets an option '%2' that is incompatible with '%3'
WW089 Maximum row size for table '%1' would be exceeded
WW090 The mirror '%1' does not match database '%2'
WW091 The SQL scripts DLL cannot be loaded
WW092 Client application does not allow transfer of data ('%1')
WW093 Client application disallowed the transfer of data ('%1')
WW094 Client library reported an error accessing data during transfer ('%1')
WW095 Transaction log mirroring cannot be used with database mirroring
WW096 Cannot set database option "%1" because it is on the options watch list
WW097 Login policy "%1" already exists
WW098 Login policy "%1" not found
WW099 Login policies are not supported for this database
WW100 Login policy "%1" in use
WW101 User "%1" already exists
WW102 Client library reported an error opening object ('%1') during transfer
WW103 Client library reported a permissions error accessing object ('%1') during transfer
WW104 External environments are not supported for this database
WW108 External library '%1' is in use
WW109 External library '%1' not loaded
WW112 Passthrough SQL script failed
WW114 UltraLite database state was restored
WW115 Retrying read of corrupt page (page '%1')
WW116 Mirror file requires higher checksum_level
WW118 An attempt to encrypt database '%1' failed
WW119 An attempt to decrypt database '%1' failed
WW120 '%1' statement is not allowed on a mirrored database
WW130 Database mirroring options are not supported for this database
WW131 Mirror server "%1" not found
WW132 Mirror server "%1" already exists
WW133 Mirror server "%1" is referenced by another server
WW134 Principal mirror servers are already defined
WW135 Mirror server "%1" is not a valid parent server
WW136 Cannot force failover when current server is marked as preferred
WW137 Synchronization schema changes and script versions are not supported for this database
WW138 Column subset for table '%1' in publication '%2' does not match that specified in publication '%3'
WW139 Table or view '%1' is not valid for use with this statement
WW140 A synchronization schema change is already in progress
WW141 Subscription to publication '%1' for '%2' omitted from statement
WW142 Connection is not allowed to have table locks when executing this statement
WW143 Table '%1' must synchronize to be in publication '%2'
WW144 Feature '%1' is unknown or invalid
WW145 Feature '%1' was not locked by this connection
WW146 Feature '%1' is locked by another connection
WW147 Feature '%1' is locked because synchronization is in progress
WW148 Rollback occurred due to blocking_others_timeout
WW151 Mirror server name '%1' does not match current server name
WW152 The parent of this mirror server is not currently connected
WW153 The parent of this mirror server is not the primary server
WW154 Mirror child server creation failed
WW155 Mirror server with type '%1' is already defined
WW156 Cannot assign automatic mirror server parent
WW159 Database server name '%1' cannot be the same as either the primary or mirror server
WW160 The licensed maximum number of mirror servers with type COPY has been exceeded
WW161 Synchronization failed. Check the Dbmlsync log file for more details
WW162 Failed to connect to the Dbmlsync server. Check the Dbmlsync log file for more details
WW163 Failed to shutdown the Dbmlsync server. Check the Dbmlsync log file for more details
WW164 Failed to start the Dbmlsync server. Check the Dbmlsync log file for more details
WW165 The definition of temporary table '%1' has changed since last used
WW229 Parameter '%1' cannot be null
WW230 Operation is not allowed
WW231 Operation '%1' failed for reason: '%2'
WW232 Underflow when converting '%1'
WW234 Automatic database upgrade applied
WX001 Column must be named: %1
WX002 XML parser error: %1
WX003 XPath parser error: %1
WX004 Illegal flags value passed to OPENXML
WX005 Illegal FOR XML EXPLICIT tag value: '%1'
WX006 Unknown FOR XML EXPLICIT directive: '%1'
WX007 Illegal column name: '%1'
WX008 Parent not open: '%1'
WX009 Undeclared tag ID: '%1'
WX010 Too few columns
WX011 CDATA has a name
WX012 Invalid XQuery constructor
WX013 XMLGEN evaluation failure
WX014 No name for argument
WX015 Control character in XML output
WX016 Insufficient memory for OPENXML query