EncryptionKeyManager class
The class EncryptionKeyManager provides a way to enforce security mechanism at the mobile client, basically for the persistence core for Cache and queue of requests.
ODataActionLink class
SAP Action Link Contains the optional parameters of the action and helper method to assemble the final URL that is required to execute the action.
ODataEntryBody class
Contains the XML representation of an entry and the HTTP method that must be used when issuing a request with the above mentioned XML against the backend.
ODataError class
Stores the parsed data fields of OData error payloads.
ODataErrorXMLParser class
Parses an OData error payload and returns an ODataError instance with the parsed values.
ODataPropertyValueDecimal class
Decimal See the following for more details on certain limitations: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/adodotnetdataservices/thread/832edcc7-d6ef-4551-bc81-98efb15d9ac0 XMLSCHEME2: http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xmlschema-2-20010502/#decimal The Library limitations since it uses NSDecimalNumber: An instance can represent any number that can be expressed as mantissa x 10^exponent where mantissa is a decimal integer up to 38 digits long, and exponent is an integer from –128 through 127.
ODataRelatedLink class
OData Related Link When the payload is downloaded from the address stored by the href property, parse the entries with the entity schema that belongs to the collection stored by the targetCollection property of this class!
ODataSubscriptionXML class
Contains the xml representation of a subscription info, the http method to be used and the headers that should be added to the http request when subscribing.
OpenSearchDescriptionXMLParser class
Parses an OpenSearch description document and creates its ObjC representation that can be accessed via the openSearchDescription property of the class instance after parsing.
PerformanceAgent class
This class is responsible for management of performance counters.