+ (void) disableLogging
Disables logging of non-critical messages Call this API to disable logging of low prio messages if you previously enabled them via +enableLogging API. |
- (void) displayLogsWithLevel: (LoggingLevels) level_in
Displays all log entries with the given Logging Level. |
- (void) displayLogsWithLevel: (LoggingLevels) level_in forQueryOperation: (QueryOperations) queryOperation_in
Displays all log entries which match the provided Logging Level and query operation. |
- (void) displayLogsWithLevel: (LoggingLevels) level_in forQueryOperation: (QueryOperations) queryOperation_in withSkinType: (LogSkinType) skinType_in
Displays all log entries which match the provided Logging Level and query operation. |
- (void) displayLogsWithLevel: (LoggingLevels) level_in withSkinType: (LogSkinType) skinType_in
Displays all log entries with the given Logging Level and Skin Type. |
+ (void) enableLogging
Logging is enabled. |
+ (id) instance
Static Persistence instance. |
+ (BOOL) isLoggingEnabled
Returns whether non-critical logs are currently enabled. |
- (void) logAlert: (NSString *) message_in withInfo: (NSString *) info_in
Alert level logger API. |
- (void) logCritical: (NSString *) message_in withInfo: (NSString *) info_in
Critical level logger API. |
- (void) logDebug: (NSString *) message_in withInfo: (NSString *) info_in
Debug level logger API. |
- (void) logEmergency: (NSString *) message_in withInfo: (NSString *) info_in
Highest (Emergency) level logger API. |
- (void) logError: (NSString *) message_in withInfo: (NSString *) info_in
Error level logger API. |
- (void) logInfo: (NSString *) message_in withInfo: (NSString *) info_in
Information level logger API. |
- (void) logMessage: (NSString *) message_in withLevel: (LoggingLevels) level_in andInfo: (NSString *) info_in
Generic logger API. |
- (void) logNotice: (NSString *) message_in withInfo: (NSString *) info_in
Notice level logger API. |
- (void) logWarning: (NSString *) message_in withInfo: (NSString *) info_in
Warning level logger API. |
- (NSArray *) retrieveLogsWithLevel: (LoggingLevels) level_in
Returns all log entries with the given Logging Level. |
- (NSArray *) retrieveLogsWithLevel: (LoggingLevels) level_in forQueryOperation: (QueryOperations) queryOperation
Returns all log entries with match the provided Logging Level and query operation. |
+ (void) setDeviceLogEntries: (unsigned int) noOfLogs
Set the number of log entries that can be read at a time. |