All members of SUPE2ETraceRequest, including inherited members.
MethodsMethod | Description |
- (NSString *) CorrelationIdHttpHeader | Retrieves the @“X-CorrelationID“ header value. |
+ (SUPE2ETraceRequest *) createRequest: (NSString *) WithId | Standard initialization. |
- (Boolean) endRequest | At the end when response is received. |
- (NSString *) getXML | |
- (void) markReceived | When all data from the response have been received call this. |
- (void) markReceiving | When the first data is being received. |
- (void) markSending | Should be called before the request is sent out. |
- (void) markSent | Should be called as soon as the data is being sent. |
- (NSString *) PassportHttpHeader | Retrieves the @“SAP-PASSPORT“ header value. |
- (Boolean) updateRequestElementsWithDictionary: (NSDictionary *) withDictionary | |
- (Boolean) updateRequestWithValue: (NSString *) withValue : (NSString *) forKey |