RequestBuilder class

Acts as a configuration based runtime switch between Request or SUPRequest.


@interface RequestBuilder : NSObject


All members of RequestBuilder, including inherited members.

Method Description
+ (void) cancelAllRequestsInQueue This is an API to help clear the Queue of all queued requests.
+ (void) clearPendingRequestsWithError: (NSError *) error Clears all requests in the persistent queue.
+ (void) enablePerformanceLogging: (BOOL) enable Enable performance logging support.
+ (void) enableTracing: (BOOL) value_in Switches traceability status, the default is NO.
+ (void) enableXCSRF: (BOOL) enable Enable XCSRF support.
+ (id) getDelegate Returns the delegate to be invoked in Offline mode.
+ (SEL) getDidFailSelector Returns the selector registered for Offline mode.
+ (SEL) getDidFinishSelector Returns the selector registered for Offline mode.
+ (int) getTraceLevel Returns the trace level set.
+ (BOOL) isOfflineEnabled Returns a BOOL value indicating if Offline mode is enabled.
+ (BOOL) isPerformanceLoggingEnabled Returns performance logging status (default is NO).
+ (BOOL) isTracingEnabled Returns tracing status (default is NO).
+ (id< Requesting >) requestWithURL: (NSURL *) newURL Factory method which returns a request object.
+ (id< Requesting >) requestWithURL: (NSURL *) newURL usingCache: (id< CacheDelegate >) cache Factory method which returns a request object created using url and cache.
+ (id< Requesting >) requestWithURL: (NSURL *) newURL usingCache: (id< CacheDelegate >) cache andCachePolicy: (ECachePolicy) policy Factory method which returns a request object created using url, cache and a cache policy.
+ (enum ERequestType) retrieveRequestType Helper method to retrieve the request type to be instantiated from NSUserDefaults.
+ (void) setDelegate: (id) delegate Clients need to register their custom selectors to be invoked in Offline mode.
+ (void) setDidFailSelector: (SEL) selector Clients need to register their custom selectors to be invoked in Offline mode.
+ (void) setDidFinishSelector: (SEL) selector Clients need to register their custom selectors to be invoked in Offline mode.
+ (void) setRequestType: (const enum ERequestType) type_in Helper method to store the request type to be instantiated; the builder decides which class (Request or SUPRequest) should be instantiated based on this value.
+ (void) setTraceLevel: (TraceLevel) value_in Set the trace level, default is MEDIUM.


The provided factory methods can return a valid Request, but we cannot guarantee this for SUPRequest \ However, as the SUPRequest library and public headers are not bundled with Connectivity lib, we attempt to create the SUPRequest class using NSClassFromString("SUPRequest"). \ NSClassFromString will work correctly only if: \ a) the SUPRequest library and the public header are added to the client project \ b) the -ObjC value is added to the Other Linker Flags