Can't send to site '%S_SRVID'.
This error occurs when you try to execute a remote procedure call (RPC) on a remote Adaptive Server or Backup Server that is found in the local interfaces file but is not currently running.
In this write-up, “Server” is used
to indicate an Adaptive Server or a Backup Server.
Check whether the remote Server is running by issuing an isql statement similar to the following:
% isql -S<name_of_remote_server>
If you receive this message, then the remote Server may not be running. Log in to the remote Server machine and check whether the Server is running. If it is not running, start it:
CT-LIBRARY error: ct_connect(): network packet layer: internal net library error: Net-Lib protocol driver call to connect two endpoints failed
Check whether you receive the following message after issuing the isql statement:
The context allocation routine failed when it tried to load localization files!!One or more following problems may caused the failureYour sybase home directory is /export/home/Products/ase1502_64/ASE-15_0. Check the environment variable SYBASE if it is not the oneCannot access file /export/home/Products/ase1502_64/ASE-15_0/config/objectid.datAn error occurred when attempting to allocate localization-related structures.
If you do, this indicates that your SYBASE environment variable is not set to the correct directory.
The value of the SYBASE parameter must be set to the full path name of the SYBASE home directory where the interfaces (or sql.ini) file can be found. The value of the SYBASE parameter specifies the device as well as the path for SYBASE home. If you move the SYBASE directory structure to a new device, make sure the device is included in the SYBASE environment variable string.
There are changes to the Adaptive Server Enterprise
directory structure in version 12.0. Refer to the installation and
configuration guides for your platform for details.
For more information about managing remote Adaptive Servers, refer to “Managing Remote Servers” in the in the System Administration Guide: Volume 1.
Before calling Technical Support, have the information available listed in “Reporting errors”, including:
Adaptive Server (and Backup Server if appropriate) error log for both the local and remote Server
sp_helpserver and sp_configure output
Content of interfaces file
All versions