Consolidated databases

New setup procedures
  • Setup script required by SQL Anywhere consolidated databases   You must now run a setup script before using a SQL Anywhere database as a MobiLink consolidated database, and the MobiLink system tables that are created with the setup script are now owned by the user who ran the setup script. This behavior is consistent with other consolidated database types. In previous versions of MobiLink, MobiLink system tables were owned by DBO in SQL Anywhere consolidated databases.

    See SQL Anywhere consolidated database.

  • Simplified setup procedures   You can now set up your consolidated database in Sybase Central or using setup scripts. Previously, you had to run a setup script. In addition, each type of consolidated database now has only one setup script. There are no more version-specific setup scripts (such as syncase125.sql).

    See MobiLink consolidated databases.

New system objects
  • New ways to clean up MobiLink system tables on your consolidated database   New system procedures have been added that help you do the following:

  • New MobiLink server system tables and schema   Following are changes to the MobiLink system tables:

    • Several new MobiLink system tables have been added. See:
    • The contents of ml_subscription are significantly different. The UltraLite synchronization sequence number, previously stored in ml_user.commmit_state, is now stored in ml_subscription.progress. The progress column also stores the SQL Anywhere remote synchronization progress.See ml_subscription.
    • The contents of ml_user are significantly different. See ml_user.
    • A checksum column has been added to the ml_script table.See ml_script.
    • The ml_user column of ml_listening has been changed to the name column.See ml_listening.
    • A new system table has been added that is used internally by Sybase Central for server-initiated synchronization.See ml_sis_sync_state.
    • There have been changes to several QAnywhere system tables. See:

  • New system procedure ml_add_column   When you are using named row parameters, you may in some cases need to use this new system procedure to populate the ml_column MobiLink system table with information about columns on the remote database.

    See ml_add_column system procedure.