ml_add_column system procedure

Registers information about columns on remote databases for use by named column parameters.

ml_add_column ( 




VARCHAR(128). The version name.


VARCHAR(128). The table name.


VARCHAR(128). The column name.


VARCHAR(128). Reserved for future use. Set to null.


This procedure populates the ml_column MobiLink system table with information about the columns on the remote database. The information is used by named row parameters.

You need to run this system procedure if both of the following are true:

  • Your SQL scripts contain named parameters for columns (for example, o.column-name and r.column-name).
  • You are not using the Create Synchronization Model Wizard.

Even if you are using the Create Synchronization Model Wizard, if you modify the remote schema outside of Model mode, you need to use this stored procedure to send information about columns that are not registered in ml_column.

To delete all entries for the table name in the given script version, set the column name to null.

See also

The following stored procedure call populates the ml_column MobiLink system table for col1 in MyTable for the script version Version1. This call allows you to use the named row parameters r.col1 and o.col1 in table scripts for MyTable1 in the Version1 script version.

CALL ml_add_column( 'Version1', 'MyTable1', 'col1', NULL )

The following stored procedure call deletes all entries in the ml_column MobiLink system table for MyTable1 in script version Version1:

CALL ml_add_column( 'Version1', 'MyTable1', NULL, NULL )