
This table stores state information for each remote.



rid INTEGER. A unique integer identifying the remote ID. This value is used internally.

VARCHAR(128). The subsciption_id is a number that is generated by a remote database. For SQL Anywhere clients, this value is the same as the sync_id in the SYS.ISYSSYNC system table.

UltraLite clients do not use subscriptions, so for UltraLite clients, this value is the UltraLite publication ID for version 10.0.0 and later, and <unknown> for versions 8 and 9.


INTEGER. The user who performed the last synchronization for the given rid and subscription_id. You can use the user_id column to find the MobiLink user who ran the last successful synchronization.


NUMERIC(20,0). The synchronization progress, also called the offset, state, sequence number, or progress counter.


VARCHAR(128). The user-defined name for the publication that is subscribed to by the subscription. In every synchronization, the client sends the publication name for each subscription_id.

For UltraLite clients prior to version 10.0.0, this is always <unknown>; for UltraLite version 10 and later, it is the publication or the string ul_no_pub if there is no publication.


TIMESTAMP. The last time an upload was applied to the consolidated database for a given remote ID and subscription_id. The default is January 1, 1900, 00:00:00.


TIMESTAMP. The last time a download was applied to the consolidated for a given user and subscription_id. The default is January 1, 1900, 00:00:00. See How download timestamps are generated and used.


In SQL Anywhere clients, the progress refers to a position in the transaction log of the remote database. It indicates the point to which all committed operations for the subscription have been uploaded from the database. The dbmlsync utility uses the offset to decide what data to upload. On the SQL Anywhere remote database, the offset is stored in the progress column of the SYS.ISYSSYNC system table.


In UltraLite clients, the progress is the synchronization sequence number or progress counter for the given publication. This counter indicates what rows have been synchronized. It is incremented every time the publication synchronizes. This number is used internally in the UltraLite database and cannot be accessed.

See The progress counter.


PRIMARY KEY( rid, subscription_id )

FOREIGN KEY( rid ) REFERENCES ml_database( rid )

FOREIGN KEY( user_id ) REFERENCES ml_user( user_id )

See also