
Stores the names of columns for a specific table in a specific script version.

Column Description
version_id INTEGER. A number identifying the script version.
table_id INTEGER. A number identifying the table.
idx INTEGER. The index, origin 1, of this column in the table. The column order must be the order in which the columns were created in the remote database.
name VARCHAR(128). The column name.
type VARCHAR(128). Not currently used.

This table is only required when SQL scripts contain named parameters for columns (for example, o.column-name and r.column-name). (The exception is the column index, which is available even without this MobiLink system table being populated; for example, o.column-index and r.column-index.)

This table is populated by the Create Synchronization Model Wizard when you deploy a MobiLink model. If you did not use the Create Synchronization Model Wizard, or if you did use it but afterward changed the schema of synchronized columns on the remote database outside of Sybase Central Model mode, you can use the ml_add_column stored procedure to populate the table.

Note: The dbmlsync extended option SendColumnNames and UltraLite synchronization parameter Send Column Names are used by direct row handling, but are not used for named row parameters.


There is a system view, ml_columns, that makes it easier to view the contents of this table.


PRIMARY KEY( idx, version_id, table_id )

UNIQUE( version_id, table_id, name )

FOREIGN KEY( version_id ) REFERENCES ml_script_version( version_id )

FOREIGN KEY( table_id ) REFERENCES ml_table( table_id )

See also