
This table is used by Sybase Central to generate request cursors for server-initiated synchronization.


Do not alter this table.




VARCHAR(128). The remote ID that uniquely identifies a database.

subscription_id VARCHAR(128). The subsciption_id is a number that is generated by a remote database. For SQL Anywhere clients, this value is the same as the sync_id in the SYS.ISYSSYNC system table.

VARCHAR(128). The user-defined name for the publication that is subscribed to by the subscription. In every synchronization, the client sends the publication name for each subscription_id.

For UltraLite clients prior to version 10.0.0, this is always <unknown>; for UltraLite version 10 and later, it is the publication or the string ul_no_pub if there is no publication.

user_name VARCHAR(128). The MobiLink user name.
last_upload TIMESTAMP. The last time an upload was applied to the consolidated database for a given remote ID and subscription_id. The default is January 1, 1900, 00:00:00.
last_download TIMESTAMP. The last time a download was applied to the consolidated for a given user and subscription_id. The default is January 1, 1900, 00:00:00.

PRIMARY KEY( remote_id, subscription_id )