Creating individual users

The admin user adds users to the M-Business Anywhere database one at a time from the M-Business Server Administrator Mode interface. If you add users by NT domain integration, this feature is not available.


Before creating new users, institute a user name policy to help organize your user base. See the table below for examples.

Table 1. Sample user name policies

First name, last name

User name


Tim Smith


First initial, last name

Jane Doe


Last name, first initial

Susan Jackson


First two letters of first and last name

To create a new user
  1. Log in to M-Business Server as admin.

  2. Choose Users » Create User.

  3. Enter a User Name.

  4. Type the user’s first name in the First Name field.

  5. Type the user’s last name in the Last Name field.

  6. Type the same password in the Password and the Confirm Password fields.

    Without a password, the attempt to create a user fails. For restrictions on password entries, see Entering information.

  7. Optionally, type a comment in the Comment field.

  8. Click Save to add the user.


    If the maximum number of users allowed by your license key has been reached, you cannot add a user through the Create User page. See Checking M-Business Server status.

    If there are any problems with your entries, a message appears at the bottom of the Create User page. Make the specified correction and click Save again.

    If your entries for the new user are accepted:

    • The Edit User page for the user you just created is displayed.

    • The Navigation Panel now lists the Users » Edit User submenu and shows that you are in Users » Edit User » Identity.

    From the Edit User page, you can: