You can use scripts to create and open models, and to manipulate objects and symbols in PowerDesigner.
Creating a Model by Script
You create a model using the CreateModel (modelkind As Long, filename As String = "", flags As Long =omf_Default) As BaseObject global function together with the cls_Model constant prefixed with the Module name to identify the type of model you want to create.
Opening a Model by Script
You open a model using the OpenModel (filename As String, flags As Long =omf_Default) As BaseObject global function.
Creating an Object by Script
It is recommended to create an object directly from the collection to which it belongs in order to directly obtain a valid state for the object. When you do so, you only create the object but not its graphical symbol.
Creating a Symbol by Script
You create the associated symbol of an object by attaching it to the active diagram using the following method: AttachObject(ByVal Obj As BaseObject) As BaseObject.
Positioning a Symbol next to Another by Script
You position a symbol next to another using the X and Y (respectively Abscissa and Ordinate) points, together with a combination of method (Position As Apoint) and function (NewPoint(X As Long = 0, Y As Long = 0) As Apoint)).
Retrieving an Object by Script
The following example illustrates how you can retrieve an object by its code in the model
Creating a Shortcut by Script
You create a shortcut in a model using the CreateShortcut(ByVal NewPackage As BaseObject, ByVal ParentCol As String = "") As BaseObject method.
Creating a Link Object by Script
You create a link object using the CreateNew(kind As Long = 0) As BaseObject method, then you have to declare its ends.
Browsing a Collection by Script
All collections can be iterated through the usual "For Each variable In collection" construction.
Manipulating Objects in a Collection by Script
In the following example, we are going to manipulate objects in collections by creating business rule objects and attaching them to a class object. To do so, we :
Extending the Metamodel by Script
When you import a file using scripts, you can import as extended attributes or extended collections some properties that may not correspond to standard attributes.
Creating an Object Selection by Script
Object Selection is a model object that is very useful to select other model objects in order to apply to them a specific treatment. You can for example add some objects to the Object Selection to move them to another package in a unique operation instead of repeating the same operation for each and every objects individually.
Creating an Extension by Script
Like any other PowerDesigner object, extensions can be read, created and modified using scripting.