Manipulating Objects in a Collection by Script

In the following example, we are going to manipulate objects in collections by creating business rule objects and attaching them to a class object. To do so, we :


If (not ExistingModel Is Nothing) and (not FoundClass Is Nothing) Then
 ' We are going to create business rule objects and attached them to the class
 ' Create first the business rule objects
 Dim Rule1, Rule2
 Set Rule1 = ExistingModel.BusinessRules.CreateNew()
 Set Rule2 = ExistingModel.BusinessRules.CreateNew()
 If (not Rule1 is Nothing) And (not Rule2 Is Nothing) Then
  output "Business Rule objects have been successfully created"
  ' Initialize rule attributes
  Rule1.SetNameAndCode "Mandatory Name", "mandatoryName"
  Rule1.ServerExpression = "The Name attribute cannot be empty"
  Rule2.SetNameAndCode "Unique Name", "uniqueName"
  Rule2.ServerExpression = "The Name attribute must be unique"
  ' Retrieve the first object in the class attributes collection
  Dim FirstAttr, AttrColl
  Set AttrColl = FoundClass.Attributes
  If not AttrColl is Nothing Then
   If not AttrColl.Count = 0 then
    Set FirstAttr = AttrColl.Item(0)
   End If
  End If
  Set AttrColl = Nothing
  If not FirstAttr is Nothing Then
   output "First class attribute successfully retrieved from collection"
   ' Add Rule1 at end of attached rules collection
   FirstAttr.AttachedRules.Add Rule1
   ' Add Rule2 at the beginning of attached rules collection
   FirstAttr.AttachedRules.Insert 0, Rule2
   ' Move Rule2 at end of collection
   FirstAttr.AttachedRules.Move 1, 0
   ' Remove Rule1 from collection
   FirstAttr.AttachedRules.RemoveAt 0
   Set FirstAttr = Nothing
  End If
 End If
  Set Rule1 = Nothing
 Set Rule2 = Nothing
End If