Positioning a Symbol next to Another by Script

You position a symbol next to another using the X and Y (respectively Abscissa and Ordinate) points, together with a combination of method (Position As Apoint) and function (NewPoint(X As Long = 0, Y As Long = 0) As Apoint)).


Dim diag
Set diag = ActiveDiagram
Dim sym1, sym2
Set sym1 = diag.Symbols.Item(0)
Set sym2 = diag.Symbols.Item(1)
X1 = sym1.Position.X
Y1 = sym1.Position.Y
' Move symbols next to each other using a fixed arbitrary space
sym2.Position = NewPoint(X1+5000, Y1)
' Move symbols for them to be adjacent
sym2.Position = NewPoint(X1 + (sym1.Size.X+sym2.Size.X)/2, Y1)