Opening a Model by Script

You open a model using the OpenModel (filename As String, flags As Long =omf_Default) As BaseObject global function.


Option Explicit
' Call the OpenModel global function with the following parameters:
'  - The model file name
'  - The default diagram will not be opened in a window
'  - The opened model will not appear in the workspace
Dim ExistingModel, FileName
FileName = "c:\temp\MySampleModel.oom"
On Error Resume Next    ' Avoid generic scripting error message like 'Invalid File Name 
Set ExistingModel = OpenModel(FileName, omf_DontOpenView Or omf_Hidden)
On Error Goto 0     ' Restore runtime error detection
If ExistingModel is nothing then
 msgbox "Fail to open UML Model:" + vbCrLf + FileName, vbOkOnly, "Error"  ' Display an error message box
 output "The UML model has been successfully opened"  ' Display a message in the application output window
End If