Granting Rights to Users and Groups

A new user has only the Connect right assigned by default and belongs only to the PUBLIC group, which has no rights. In order for the user to be able to do anything, the repository administrator must grant rights to her either directly or by adding her to other groups.

For examples of combining rights to define roles, see Controlling Repository Access.


The rights a user or group receive when they become members of a group (see Adding Users and Groups to a Group) are cumulative. For example, a user with the Manage Branches right will not lose this right when he becomes a member of a group that has only the Freeze Versions and Lock Versions rights.

  1. Select Repository > Administration > Users (or Repository > Administration > Groups), select the appropriate user or group in the list, and click the Properties tool.
  2. Click the Rights tab and select the check boxes corresponding to the rights you want to assign. The following rights are available:
    • Connect - To connect to the repository.

    • Freeze Versions - To freeze document versions (see Freezing Document Versions).

    • Lock Versions - To lock document versions (see Locking Document Versions).

    • Edit PowerDesigner Portal Objects - To edit objects in a Web browser (see Editing Object Comments and Descriptions).

    • Manage Branches - To create, modify, and delete branches (see Branching Version Trees).

    • Manage Configurations - To create, modify, and delete configurations (see Grouping Document Versions in a Configuration).

    • Manage All Documents - To create, check in, check out, unlock, unfreeze, define permissions, and delete any document version.
      Note: This right is typically granted to data administrators, and implicitly includes Full permission on all repository documents to allow them to check in, freeze, lock, and delete any document.
    • Manage Users - To create, modify and delete repository users and groups, grant rights to users and groups, and add users or groups to a group.

    • Manage Repository - To create, upgrade, and delete the repository database.

  3. Click OK to save your changes and close the user property sheet.
    Note: User rights are associated with document permissions (see Granting Access Permissions on Repository Items) to define the actions a user can effectively perform on a document. Some user rights are automatically implied by permissions:
    • A user with the Write permission on a repository document automatically has the Lock Versions and Freeze Versions rights for it.

    • A user with the Full permission on a document can unlock or unfreeze a version he did not lock or freeze.