anonymous namespace

Used to group anonymous objects and callback functions used as method parameters.

Methods and fields in this namespace cannot be instantiated. Used for API docs generation only.



Name Description
options Options object used with the getExternalResource function.
PictureOptions Options object that is used with the hwc.getPicture method.


Name Description
abort() JavaScript function to abort the HTTP(S) request
alertDialogCallbackFunction( message ) A callback function invoked when hwc.log is invoked with true for the notifyUser parameter.
AppInstallationListener( event, moduleId, version, moduleName ) Callback function that will be invoked on hybrid app installation events.
AppInstallationListener( event, moduleId, version, moduleName ) Callback function that will be invoked on hybrid app installation events.
AppInstallationListener( notifications, event, moduleId, version, moduleName, designerVersion, containerVersion ) Callback function that will be invoked when push notifications are available.
ApplicationListener( event, moduleId, version ) Callback function that will be invoked on hybrid app events.
complete( resultXHR ) Callback function used in the Options object.
ConnectionStateListener( event, errorCode, errorMessage ) Callback function that will be invoked when the connection state changes.
errorCallbackFunction( errorMessage ) A callback function invoked if there is an error.
genericCallbackFunction() A generic callback function that takes no parameters.
getLogEntriesErrorCallback( data ) Callback function that will be invoked when AppLog.getLogEntries fails.
getLogEntriesSuccessCallback( data ) Callback function that will be invoked with all the entries in the app log.
logListener( date, event, message ) Callback function that will be invoked when events are logged to the app log.
LogListener( milliseconds, event, optionalString ) Callback function that will be invoked when events are logged to the event log.
MessageListener( flag, msgId ) Callback function that will be invoked on message events.
onGetPictureError( err ) Camera
onGetPictureSuccess( filename, response ) User provided function that will be invoked when the hwc.getPicture function is successful.
sendRequestErrorCB( data ) Callback function that will be invoked HttpsConnection.get()/sendRequest() failed.
sendRequestSuccessCB( data ) Callback function that will be invoked HttpsConnection.get()/sendRequest() succeeded.
startOrStopLogListenerErrorCallback( data ) Callback function that will be invoked upon failure to start a log listener via AppLog.startLogListener, or upon failure to removing a log listener via AppLog.stopLogListener.
startOrStopLogListenerSuccessCallback() Callback function that will be invoked upon successfully starting a log listener via AppLog.startLogListener, or upon successfully removing a log listener via AppLog.stopLogListener.


Camera.js, line 266.