
1       /*
2        * Sybase Hybrid App version 2.3.4
3        *
4        * Camera.js
5        * This file will not be regenerated, so it is possible to modify it, but it
6        * is not recommended.
7        *
8        * Copyright (c) 2012 Sybase Inc. All rights reserved.
9        */
11       /* The feature comment is necessary at the class level for the custom template to work.
12       */
13      /**
14       * The namespace for the Hybrid Web Container javascript
15       * @namespace
16       * @desc Camera
17       */
18      hwc = (typeof hwc === "undefined" || !hwc) ? {} : hwc;      // SUP 'namespace'
20      (function(hwc, window, undefined) {
22          /**
23           * An array that holds all possible option codes for use with getPicture()
24           * @private
25          */
26          hwc.PictureOption = [];
28          /**
29           * @memberOf hwc.PictureOption
30           */
31          hwc.PictureOption.SourceType = {
32               /**
33                * Constant that specifies the built-in camera as the image source for selecting the image using the {@link hwc.getPicture} method.
34                * @memberOf hwc.PictureOption.SourceType
35                */
36              CAMERA: 1,              // Specifies the built-in camera as the image source where image content is not persisted by the device
37              /**
38                * Constant that specifies the photo library as the image source
39                * @memberOf hwc.PictureOption.SourceType
40                */
41              PHOTOLIBRARY: 2,        // Specifies the photo library as the image source where image content is already persisted on the device
42              /**
43                * Constant that specifies the built-in camera and the photo library be used as an image source for selecting the image using the {@link hwc.getPicture} method.
44                * @memberOf hwc.PictureOption.SourceType
45                */
46              BOTH: 3                 // Specifies the built-in camera as the image source where image content is persisted by the device
47          };
49          /**
50           * @memberOf hwc.PictureOption
51           */
52          hwc.PictureOption.DestinationType = {
53          /**
54           * Use this constant to specify that base64 encoded image data be returned by the {@link hwc.getPicture} method.
55           * @memberOf hwc.PictureOption.DestinationType
56           * @deprecated
57           */
58              IMAGE_DATA: 0,          // Returns base64 encoded string (deprecated)
59          /**
60           * Use this constant to specify that the image URI be returned by the {@link hwc.getPicture} method.
61           * @memberOf hwc.PictureOption.DestinationType
62           */
63              IMAGE_URI: 1            // Returns uniform reference identifier for the image
64          };
66          /**
67           * Open a platform-specific application allowing the user to capture an image
68           * using the built-in camera.
69           * @deprecated
70           */
71          hwc.PictureOption.CAMERA = hwc.PictureOption.SourceType.CAMERA;
73          /**
74           * Open a platform-specific application allowing the user to select an
75           * existing picture from a gallery.
76           * @deprecated
77           */
78          hwc.PictureOption.PHOTOLIBRARY = hwc.PictureOption.SourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY;
80          /**
81           * An array that holds all possible error codes
82           */
83          hwc.PictureError = [];
85          /**
86           * Constant indicating that the {@link hwc.getPicture} method was successful.
87           * @memberOf hwc
88           */
89          hwc.PictureError.NO_ERROR      =  0;
91          /**
92           * Constant indicating that the {@link hwc.getPicture} method is not implemented, camera not present, etc.
93           * @memberOf hwc
94           */
95          hwc.PictureError.NOT_SUPPORTED = -1;
97          /**
98           * Constant indicating that the {@link hwc.getPicture} method has been invoked, but has not completed yet.
99           * @memberOf hwc
100          */
101         hwc.PictureError.IN_PROGRESS   = -2;
103         /**
104          * Constant indicating that the user has cancelled the {@link hwc.getPicture} invocation.
105          * @memberOf hwc
106          */
107         hwc.PictureError.USER_REJECT   = -3;
109         /**
110          * Constant indicating that the supplied options were not recognized by the {@link hwc.getPicture} method
111          * @memberOf hwc
112          */
113         hwc.PictureError.BAD_OPTIONS   = -4;
115         /**
116          * Constant indicating that the returned image size was too large to be handled by JavaScript.
117          * @memberOf hwc
118          */
119         hwc.PictureError.TOO_LARGE     = -5;
121         /**
122          * Constant indicating that the an unknown error occured during the execution of {@link hwc.getPicture} method.
123          * @memberOf hwc
124          */
125         hwc.PictureError.UNKNOWN       = -6;
127         /**
128          * A namespace for our private use
129          * @private
130          */
131         var _Picture = new function() {};           // private object '_Picture' within 'hwc'
133         /**
134          * Requests retrieval of a picture asynchronously.
135          *
136          * @param {anonymous.onGetPictureError} onGetPictureError Function to be invoked if the attempt to get
137          *     a picture fails. err will be one of the PictureError codes.
138          * @param {anonymous.onGetPictureSuccess} onGetPictureSuccess Function to be invoked if a picture is
139          *     successfully retrieved. response will either be a Base64-encoded JPG string or a URI.
140          * @param {anonymous.PictureOptions} options the options to control the sourceType and destinationType.
141          * @desc Camera
142          * @memberOf hwc
143          * @public
144          * @example
145          * // Error handler. will be invoked asynchronously.
146          * fail = function(errorCode){
147          *      // handle error code and take appropriate action.
148          * }
149          * // Success handler. will be invoked asynchronously.
150          * success = function(fileName, content){
151          *      // handle the content. content may be a location or base64 encoded string that is
152          *      // determined by the options passed to the destinationType argument.
153          * }
154          *
155          * getPicture(fail,
156          *            success,
157          *            { sourceType: PictureOption.SourceType.CAMERA,
158          *              destinationType: PictureOption.DestinationType.IMAGE_URI
159          *            });
160          */
161         hwc.getPicture = function(onGetPictureError, onGetPictureSuccess, options)
162         {
163     		hwc.traceEnteringMethod("hwc.getPicture");
164     		try {
165     			// Return if callback functions are not provided
166     			if (typeof onGetPictureError !== 'function' ||
167     				typeof onGetPictureSuccess !== 'function') {
168     				return;
169     			}
171     			if ("_onGetPictureSuccess" in _Picture &&
172     					_Picture._onGetPictureSuccess !== null) {
173     				// Already requested but not yet complete
174     				onGetPictureError(hwc.PictureError.IN_PROGRESS);
175     				return;
176     			}
178     			_Picture._onGetPictureError = onGetPictureError;
179     			_Picture._onGetPictureSuccess = onGetPictureSuccess;
181     			// Convert options parameter to object notation if number type and return image data to preserve behavior
182     			// of previous release
183     			if (typeof options === 'number') {
184     				options =  { destinationType: hwc.PictureOption.DestinationType.IMAGE_DATA,
185     							 sourceType: options
186     						   };
187     			}
189     			// Convert options object to serialized JSON text in preparation for submission to the container
190     			options = JSON.stringify(options);
192     			if (hwc.isWindowsMobile())
193     		   {
194     			  hwc.getDataFromContainer("getPicture", "PictureOptions=" + encodeURIComponent(options));
195     		   }
196     		   else if (hwc.isIOS())
197     		   {
198     			  // Only difference between iOS and WindowsMobile above is the leading '&'
199     			  hwc.getDataFromContainer("getPicture", "&PictureOptions=" + encodeURIComponent(options));
200     		   }
201     		   else
202     		   {
203     				_HWC.getPicture(options);
204     		   }
205     	   } finally {   
206     		   hwc.traceLeavingMethod("hwc.getPicture");
207     	   }
208         };
210         /**
211          * (Internal) Invoked asynchronously when the image arrives.
212          *
213          * @private
214          * @param result The PictureError code, or PictureError.NO_ERROR for
215          *     success.
216          * @param {string} filename Filename corresponding to the image.
217          * @param {string} imageData Base64-encoded String containing the image data. Undefined
218          *     if the result parameter indicates an error or the image URI was requested.
219          * @param {string} imageUri Uniform resource indicator of the image resource.  Undefined
220          *     if the result parameter indicates an error or the image data was requested.
221          */
222         _Picture._getPictureComplete = function(result, fileName, imageData, imageUri) {
223             var response, successFunc, errorFunc;
225     		hwc.traceEnteringMethod("_Picture._getPictureComplete");
226     		try {
227     			successFunc = _Picture._onGetPictureSuccess;
228     			errorFunc = _Picture._onGetPictureError;
230     			_Picture._onGetPictureSuccess = null;
231     			_Picture._onGetPictureError = null;
233     			if (result === hwc.PictureError.NO_ERROR) {
234     				if (imageData) {
235     					// For WM client, the picture data is too big to be passed from url, so only
236     					// the unique key is sent from container to JavaScript.  JavaScript needs to send
237     					// another xmlhttprequest to fetch the actual data
238     					if (hwc.isWindowsMobile()) {
239     							response = hwc.getDataFromContainer("getpicturedata", "pictureid=" + imageData);
240     						successFunc(fileName, response);
241     					} else {
242     						successFunc(fileName, imageData);
243     					}
244     				} else if (imageUri) {
245     					successFunc(fileName, imageUri);
246     				} else {
247     					errorFunc(hwc.PictureError.UNKNOWN);
248     				}
249     			} else {
250     				errorFunc(result);
251     			}
252     		} finally {
253     			hwc.traceLeavingMethod("_Picture._getPictureComplete");
254     		}
255        };
257         window._Picture = _Picture;
258     })(hwc, window);
261     /**
262      * Used to group anonymous objects and callback functions used as method parameters. Methods and fields in this
263      * namespace cannot be instantiated. Used for API docs generation only.
264      * @namespace 
265      */
266     anonymous = (typeof anonymous === "undefined" || !anonymous) ? {} : anonymous;      // SUP 'namespace'
268     /**
269      * User provided function that is invoked when the {@link hwc.getPicture} function fails.
270      *
271      * @name anonymous.onGetPictureError
272      * @param {number} err the error code returned. Possible values are
273      * <ol>
274      * <li>PictureError.NO_ERROR = 0;</li>
275      * <li>PictureError.NOT_SUPPORTED = -1;  getPicture() not implemented, camera not present,</li>
276      * <li>PictureError.IN_PROGRESS = -2; getPicture() has already been requested but has not yet completed.</li>
277      * <li>PictureError.USER_REJECT = -3; the user has canceled the request.</li>
278      * <li>PictureError.BAD_OPTIONS = -4; supplied options were not recognized.</li>
279      * <li>PictureError.TOO_LARGE = -5; the returned image size was too large to be handled by JavaScript</li>
280      * <li>PictureError.UNKNOWN = -6; an unknown error occurred.</li>
281      * </ol>
282      * @desc Camera
283      * @function
284      */
286      /**
287       * User provided function that will be invoked when the {@link hwc.getPicture} function is successful.
288       *
289       * @name anonymous.onGetPictureSuccess
290       *
291       * @param {string} filename file name of the image
292       * @param {string} response  the response will be either a Base64-encoded JPG string or a URI depending on the options passed to
293       * the {@link hwc.getPicture} function.
294       * <ul>
295       * <li> if options.destinationType == PictureOption.DestinationType.IMAGE_URI, response is an uniform reference identifier for the image. onGetPictureSuccess(fileName, imageURI)</li>
296       * <li> if options.destinationType == PictureOption.DestinationType.IMAGE_DATA, response is a Base64-encoded string. onGetPictureSuccess(fileName, imageData )</li>
297       * </ul>
298       * @function
299       */
301       /**
302        * Options object that is used with the {@link hwc.getPicture} method. Contains 2 fields that can be specified.
303        *
304        * <ul>
305        * <li> sourceType: One of {@link hwc.Picture.SourceType} values </li>
306        * <li> destinationType: One of {@link hwc.Picture.DestinationType} values </li>
307        * </ul>
308        * @name anonymous.PictureOptions
309        * @see hwc.getPicture for an example.
310        */