getLogEntries( successCB, errorCB ) method

Call this function to get an array of AppLog.LogEntry objects.

There will be one AppLog.LogEntry object for each line in the app log.


<static> getLogEntries( successCB, errorCB )


Name Type Description
successCB anonymous.getLogEntriesSuccessCallback The callback function that will receive the asynchronous callback with the log entries.
errorCB anonymous.getLogEntriesErrorCallback The callback function that will be invoked on errors.


// A global function called with the log entries.
function onLogEntriesSuccessCallback(data) {
   for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ )
      var logEntry = data[ i ];
      alert('Log entry ' + ( i + 1 ) + ':\
' +
            'Date (ms): ' + + '\
' +
            'Status code: ' + logEntry.statusCode + '\
' +
            'Message: ' + logEntry.message

// A global function called if there is an error retrieving log entries.
function onLogEntriesFailureCallback(error) {
   alert('Error retrieving log entries: ' + error);

// Get the log entries
AppLog.getLogEntries(onLogEntriesSuccessCallback, onLogEntriesFailureCallback);


Plugins/AppLog/applog.js, line 163.