stopLogListener( successCB, errorCB, logListener, [containingObject] ) method

Removes a log listener.

This function should be called with identical parameters that were used when adding the log listener with AppLog.startLogListener.


<static> stopLogListener( successCB, errorCB, logListener, [containingObject] )


Name Type Argument Description
successCB anonymous.startOrStopLogListenerSuccessCallback   A callback function that will be invoked if the log listener is successfully removed.
errorCB anonymous.startOrStopLogListenerErrorCallback   A callback function that will be invoked if there is an error removing the log listener.
logListener anonymous.logListener   The callback that was added with AppLog.startLogListener.
containingObject Object (optional) Object containing the definition for logListener.


// This example shows how to use this function with a globally-scoped logListener.
// A global function called by the log listener.
var doSomething = function()
   alert("this gets displayed when there is a new log entry.");

// The log listener callback function that will be passed to AppLog.startLogListener.
// This function will be invoked whenever there is a new log entry.
var logListener = function( date, statusCode, message )

function onStartLogListenerSuccessCallback() {
   // Do something here after listener has been added

function onStartLogListenerFailureCallback(error) {
   // React to error here

function onStopLogListenerSuccessCallback() {
   // Do something here after listener has been removed

function onStopLogListenerFailureCallback(error) {
   // React to error here

// Add the log listener.
AppLog.startLogListener( onStartLogListenerSuccessCallback,
                         logListener );

// At some other point if we want to remove the listener, we use the following line.
AppLog.stopLogListener( onStopLogListenerSuccessCallback,
                        logListener );
// This example shows how to use this function with a logListener contained in an object.
// logListenerManager is an object that will contain the listener callback as well
// as a function that will be invoked from the listener callback function.
var logListenerManager = {};

// This is a function that is called from the listener callback.
logListenerManager.doSomething = function()
   alert("this gets displayed when there is a new log entry.");

// This is the listener callback that will be passed to AppLog.startLogListener.
// Since a variable is referenced from the containing object, the containing object
// will need to be passed to AppLog.startLogListener.
logListenerManager.listener = function( date, statusCode, message )

function onStartLogListenerSuccessCallback() {
   // Do something here after listener has been added

function onStartLogListenerFailureCallback(error) {
   // React to error here

function onStopLogListenerSuccessCallback() {
   // Do something here after listener has been removed

function onStopLogListenerFailureCallback(error) {
   // React to error here

// Pass both the listener callback and the containing object.
AppLog.startLogListener( onStartLogListenerSuccessCallback,
                         logListenerManager );

// At some other point if we want to remove the listener, we use the following line.
AppLog.stopLogListener( onStopLogListenerSuccessCallback,
                        logListenerManager );


Plugins/AppLog/applog.js, line 376.