Configure Sybase Control Center for SAP Sybase IQ.
Note:Before configuring Sybase Control Center for use in a production
environment, complete the tasks in the Get Started section of the help.
Setting up security is particularly important.
Configuring SAP Sybase IQ Authority-Based Users for Monitoring
For 15.3 and 15.4 databases, enable one or more SAP Sybase IQ authority-based users to authenticate an SAP Sybase IQ server with Sybase Control Center, create and populate the SCC_MONITOR group.
Configuring SAP Sybase IQ Roles-Based Users for Monitoring
For 16.0 and later databases, enable one or more SAP Sybase IQ role-based users or roles to authenticate an SAP Sybase IQ server with Sybase Control Center, create and populate the SCC_MONITOR role.
Registering an SAP Sybase IQ Server
Make Sybase Control Center aware of an SAP Sybase IQ resource (for example, a server that can be monitored) and its connection information by registering the resource.
Configuring SAP Sybase IQ for Administration
To perform administration tasks, you must have the correct authority or group membership (15.3 or 15.4) or system privileges and role membership (16.0), and you may need to register the server’s Sybase Control Center agent.
Authenticating a Login Account for a Managed Resource
Specify the login account and password Sybase Control Center will use when it connects to your server or agent to collect monitoring data or manage the resource.
Changing Update Frequency for Statistics and Charts
You can control the rate at which data on monitor screens and charts is refreshed, the amount of time covered by charts, and the multiplex nodes included in charts.
Setting Up Statistics Collection
Use the Properties view of your managed resource to create a data collection job and add a schedule to the job.
Creating an Alert
Use the Add Alert wizard to create an alert instance for your resource.
Optional Configuration Steps
Perform additional configuration, including user authorization, alerts, data collection scheduling, backups, and setting purging options for the repository.