Read about security and follow these procedures before you configure Sybase Control Center product modules.
Note: These security topics are intended for use in a production environment. If you
are evaluating or testing SCC, see Quick Start for
an Evaluation.
Sybase Control Center can authenticate user logins through an LDAP server, through the operating system, or both.
Configuring Authentication for Windows
Authentication through the Windows operating system is enabled by default. Configuration is required only if you have upgraded from an older version of Sybase Control Center and no longer want to use the older version’s authentication settings; if you do not want to use Windows for authentication; or if you want to create login accounts manually. Sybase recommends that you allow SCC to create accounts automatically.
Configuring an LDAP Authentication Module
Configure an LDAP authentication module for Sybase Control Center by editing the security configuration file to point to the correct LDAP server.
Mapping Sybase Control Center Roles to LDAP or OS Groups
To grant Sybase Control Center privileges to users who are authenticated through LDAP or the operating system, associate roles used in Sybase Control Center with groups in LDAP or the operating system.
Encrypting a Password
Use the passencrypt utility to encrypt passwords and other values that must be kept secure while stored in text files.
Configuring Ports
(Optional) Use the scc --port command to assign Sybase Control Center services to new ports.