Configuring SAP Sybase IQ for Administration

To perform administration tasks, you must have the correct authority or group membership (15.3 or 15.4) or system privileges and role membership (16.0), and you may need to register the server’s Sybase Control Center agent.

Before you can perform management tasks on an SAP Sybase IQ server, your login account must have the required permissions. To perform certain tasks, including starting and stopping the SAP Sybase IQ server, synchronizing the server, and adding secondary nodes, you must also register and authenticate the server’s SCC agent.
  1. Assign the authorities (15.3 or 16.4) or system privileges (16.0) required for administrative tasks to users who will perform those tasks. You can do this by granting the authorities or system privileges directly to user accounts or by granting the authorities or system privileges to a group or role and adding users to the group or role.
  2. Register and authenticate the SCC agent associated with the SAP Sybase IQ server you want to manage.
    Note: You must register the managed server before you can register its SCC agent.