Error 7212



Message text

Can't close connection <%d> on site <'%S_SRVID'> because it is not active.


This error occurs when Adaptive Server is unable to close a connection for a remote site on an Adaptive Server, Backup Server, or Open Server application because the remote connection is not active. <%d> is the logical connection channel number and <%S_SRVID> is the remote Adaptive Server name.

One reason for this error is that the physical connection died before a response was received. The transaction is then aborted.

Error 7212 occurs with these states:




Occurs when Adaptive Server attempts to close the logical connection to the remote site and the logical connection is not found.


Occurs when Adaptive Server sends a attention packet to the remote connection and the logical connection is not found.


Occurs when Adaptive Server sends a attention packet to the remote connection but the remote site does not exist.


To find out why this error occurred, perform these steps:

  1. When automatic timeouts are enabled, a timeout occurs when there is no activity from a remote user for one minute. If you believe timeouts are occurring, consider disabling automatic timeouts by issuing the following command:

    1> sp_serveroption <server_name>, "timeouts", false
    2> go

    Where <server_name> is the name of the Adaptive Server for which you are disabling automatic timeouts.

  2. Check the error log for both the sending Server and the receiving Server. If other errors have been raised, refer to the write-ups in this manual for information about recovering from them.

  3. If, after resolving any problems found in steps 1 and 2, and error 7212 persists, call Sybase Technical Support.

Additional information

For more information about managing remote Adaptive Servers, refer to the chapter “Managing Remote Servers” in the System Administration Guide: Volume 1.

Before calling Sybase Technical Support, have the information on hand listed in “Reporting errors”, including the output from sp_helpserver and sp_configure and the contents of the interfaces file.

Versions in which this error is raised

All versions