Configuring gateways and carriers

For information about how to set properties for gateways and carriers, see Setting properties.

For a detailed list of gateway and carrier properties, see:


There are four default gateways. They are installed when you run the MobiLink setup scripts for your consolidated database. The default gateways are called:

  • Default-DeviceTracker gateway
  • Default-SYNC gateway
  • Default-UDP gateway
  • Default-SMTP gateway

A device tracker gateway can have up to three subordinate gateways: one SYNC, one SMTP, and one UDP. The device tracker gateway automatically routes each message to one of its subordinate gateways based on device tracking information sent up from Listeners. See Device tracking.

Default-SYNC, Default-UDP, and Default-SMTP are preconfigured with some settings that may work out of the box, especially SYNC and UDP. In most cases, you should use the default gateways. You can customize their configuration, if required.

You should not delete the default gateways or change their names. You can create additional gateways and assign names to them.


You only need to configure a carrier if you are using device tracking with an SMTP gateway. Carrier configuration allows you to specify information such as the name of a network provider, their email prefix, network provider id, and so on. This information is necessary for the Notifier to construct email addresses for each public wireless carrier's email-to-SMS service.

To configure a carrier, you can run the Listener on a device that has a modem and service provider working, and inspect the Listener messages window or message log file. If your Listener uses the -x option to connect to a running MobiLink server, you can also find carrier device tracking information in the ml_device_address MobiLink system table.

Once a carrier is configured, it requires no further attention. The carrier can be used to send SMS messages via SMTP to all devices using that public wireless carrier.

See Carrier properties.