Device tracking

Device tracking allows you to address a remote database by supplying only its MobiLink user name in a push request. When device tracking is enabled, MobiLink keeps track of how to reach users. For example with an SMTP gateway, when a device's IP address changes, the Listener synchronizes with the consolidated database to update the device tracking information in the MobiLink system table ml_device_address. The device tracker gateway first attempts to use a SYNC gateway, and if the delivery fails it then attempts using a UDP gateway or an SMTP gateway.

In most cases, you should be able to use device tracking. It is recommended that you use it because it simplifies deployment.

Most 9.0.1 or later Listeners support device tracking. If you are using Listeners that don't support device tracking, you can still use a device tracker gateway by providing tracking information yourself.

See Using device tracking with Listeners that don't support it.

If you do not use device tracking, your request_cursor must include a specific UDP or SMTP gateway name and address. For each push request, only that gateway becomes used, and no other gateway is attempted.

Setting up device tracking
Listener options for device tracking
Using device tracking with Listeners that don't support it
Troubleshooting gateways