SMTP gateway properties

SMTP gateway configuration is required only if you need to send SMS messages via SMTP.

SMTP gateways can be used to send email messages. In particular, they can send SMS messages to SMS listeners via a wireless carrier's email-to-SMS service.

In the following list of properties, the enable and server properties are required. The server and sender properties are often required. The user and password properties may be required, depending on your SMTP server setup. All other SMTP gateway properties are optional.

You can have multiple SMTP gateways. To set up additional SMTP gateways, copy the properties for one gateway and provide a different gateway name and property values.

For more information about gateways, see Gateways and carriers.

confirm_delivery property
confirm_timeout property
description property
enable property
listeners_are_900 property
password property
sender property
server property
user property