Carrier properties

Carriers are required only when you are using an SMTP gateway.

Carrier properties set up public wireless carrier configuration, which provides carrier-specific information such as how to map automatically-tracked phone numbers and network providers to SMS email addresses.

Carrier information is used when the device tracker gateway needs an SMS email address to be generated from an automatically-tracked device address. Addresses are generated in the following form:

email-address =


  • sms_email_user_prefix is the value of the sms_email_user_prefix property
  • the phone number comes from the ml_device_address.address column
  • sms_email_domain is the value of the sms_email_domain property
See also

For more information about carriers, see Gateways and carriers.

For more information about setting properties, see Setting properties.

enable property
network_provider_id property
sms_email_domain property
sms_email_user_prefix property