The General tab defines basic information about the component, including the supported IDL interfaces, the component type, and implementation details. If you imported a Java or ActiveX component, these properties have already been configured correctly by the import process. Table 4-1describes the window controls.
Property |
Description |
Notes |
Description |
Specifies description of the component. The description can be up to 255 characters. |
Enter a comment that describes the purpose of the component. |
Codeset (PowerBuilder, C, and C++ components only) |
Specifies the name of the coded character set used by a C or C++ component. By default, the component uses the server’s coded character set (specified on the General tab in the Server Properties window). This field does not display for Java and ActiveX components. These components always use 16-bit Unicode. For the list of supported values, list the subdirectories of the charsets directory. Each subdirectory matches the name of a supported character set. |
Input values for string parameters (and string fields within complex datatype values) are converted to this code set before each method invocation. Upon return, output values are converted from the component’s code set to the client’s code set.
Component Type |
Specifies the type of the component, which can be: EJB - Stateless Session Bean A stateless session bean EJB component. EJB - Stateful Session Bean A stateful session Bean EJB component. EJB - Entity Bean An entity bean EJB component. EJB - Message Driven Bean An EJB component that responds solely to JMS messages and lacks a client interface. Java - CORBA A Java component that uses the Java/IDL datatypes as defined by the CORBA specification for IDL-to-Java type mappings. Java - JDBC A Java component that uses the JDBC column types for parameter and return types.These type mappings are deprecated. See “Choose implementation datatypes”. PowerBuilder NVO A PowerBuilder nonvisual object adapted to run as an EAServer component. COM/ActiveX An ActiveX component adapted to run as an EAServer component. C++ A C++ class adapted to run as an EAServer component. C A collection of C routines adapted to run as an EAServer component. |
EJB components must be implemented in accord with version 1.0, 1.1, or 2.0 of the Enterprise JavaBeans specification. Version 2.0 is recommended for new development. ActiveX components are supported only in the Windows version of EAServer. All other component types can run on any platform that is supported by EAServer. PowerBuilder components should be configured and deployed using the PowerBuilder IDE. Otherwise, EAServer Manager settings may be overwritten when you redeploy from your PowerBuilder project. See the PowerBuilder Application Techniques manual for more information. |
EJB Version only for EJB components |
Choose to match the EJB specification version number. EAServer’s interaction with the component is governed by the specification version. |
Version 2.0 is recommended for new development. |
CMP Version only for EJB 2.0 entity beans |
For EJB 2.0 entity beans that use container-managed persistence (CMP), sets the CMP version number. If you do not specify a value, the default is 1.1. |
In EJB 2.0 entity beans, you can use the CMP models from the EJB 2.0 or EJB 1.1 specifications. Version 2.0 is recommended for new development. Version 1.1 allows you to use existing implementation code that requires the EJB 1.1 CMP model. |
Bean Class only for EJB components |
The name of the class that implements the bean, in Java dot notation. |
MDB Class only for EJB MDB components |
The name of the class that implements the message-driven bean, in Java dot notation. |
JNDI Name only for EJB components |
The unqualified name used by client applications to look up the bean’s home interface in the naming service. For example: finance/account The fully qualified name is obtained by appending the JNDI name to the server’s initial naming context, for example: /finserver/finance/account |
If you do not specify a name, the default is package/component, where package is the EAServer package name, and component is the component name. |
Home Interface Class only for EJB components |
The Java class that defines the bean’s home interface, in Java dot notation. |
This field is read only. The class name is determined from the IDL home interface. You can add, view, or edit the IDL home interface using the component’s interfaces folder. |
Remote Interface Class only for EJB components |
The Java class that defines the bean’s remote interface, in Java dot notation. |
This field is read only. The class name is determined from the IDL remote interface. You can add, view, or edit the IDL remote interface using the component’s interfaces folder. |
Local Home Interface Class only for EJB components |
The Java class that defines the bean’s local home interface, in Java dot notation. Blank if the bean does not have local interfaces. |
This field is read only. The class name is determined from the IDL home interface. You can add, view, or edit the IDL home interface using the component’s interfaces folder. |
Local Interface Class only for EJB components |
The Java class that defines the bean’s local interface, in Java dot notation. Blank if the bean does not have local interfaces. |
This field is read only. The class name is determined from the IDL remote interface. You can add, view, or edit the IDL remote interface using the component’s interfaces folder. |
Primary Key Class only for EJB entity Beans |
The Java class that defines the entity bean’s primary key type, in Java dot notation. |
This field is read only. The class name is determined from the IDL struct type that defines the bean’s primary key. You can add a primary key type to a module listed in EAServer Manager IDL folder. Typically the bean’s primary key structure, home interface, and remote interface are defined in the same IDL module. To set the bean’s IDL primary key type, enter the type name in the Primary Key field on the Persistence tab. |
Fully Qualified Java Class only for non-EJB Java components |
The fully qualified name of the Java class file that implements the component’s methods, specified in Java dot notation, as in: com.yourcorp.YourCompImpl |
DLL Name only for C and C++ components |
The name of the Windows DLL or UNIX shared library that contains the component methods. You can omit platform standard file extensions if desired (such as .dll on Windows or .so on Solaris). |
Before running the component, the library files must be copied to cpplib subdirectory in the EAServer installation directory. |
C++ Class (only for C++ components) |
The name of the C++ class that implements the component. |
C++ Executable (only for C++ components) |
The name of an external process in which the C++ component runs. |
Run the component externally if you do not completely trust the implemenation not to crash. See “Running C++ components externally” for details. |
Use Platform Independent Library Naming (only for C++ components) |
If selected, the platform name is included in the component library and executable name, to allow deployment to mixed architecture clusters. |
See “Creating C++ components for multiplatform clusters” for details on this feature. |
Prog ID (only for ActiveX components) |
The progid that the component uses in the COM Automation Server Registry. |
EAServer Manager does not register the ActiveX component DLL. Before running the component, you must register the DLL with the Windows regsvr32 command or by using the registration feature in your ActiveX development tool. |
PowerBuilder Class Name only for PowerBuilder components |
Matches the name of the nonvisual object that implements the component’s methods. |
Set by PowerBuilder, defined in the EAServer Component Wizard. |
PowerBuilder Library List only for PowerBuilder components |
A list of the PowerBuilder library files that are required to run the object, separated by semicolons. For example: mylib.pbl;anotherlib.pbl |
Set by PowerBuilder, defined in the EAServer Component Wizard. |
PowerBuilder Application only for PowerBuilder components |
The name of the PowerBuilder application that contains the NVO that implements the component. |
Set by PowerBuilder, defined in the EAServer Component Wizard. |
Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. |
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