The Component Properties window configures the settings that EAServer uses to load the component and invoke its methods. Component properties are organized on the following tabs:
Tab |
Description |
Defines basic information about the component, including the component type and implementation details such as the Java class name or the C++ library name. |
Defines the components transactional properties, such as how the component participates in transactions and whether the component explicitly commits its work. |
Defines how instances of the component are managed, including instance creation, thread binding, and client/component bindings. |
For EJB 2.0 or 1.1 components, allows you to specify read-only site specific data for use by the component. |
For EJB 2.0 components, allows you to configure aliases for EJB components that this component calls using EJB local references. |
For EJB 2.0 or 1.1 components, allows you to configure aliases for components called by this component. |
For EJB 2.0 or 1.1 components, allows you to configure aliases for resources used by the component such as JavaMail sessions or JDBC connections. |
For EJB 2.0 components, configures logical names for objects administered by EAServer. |
For EJB 2.0 or 1.1 components, allows you to map role names used in method permissions to role names defined in the EAServer repository. |
Configures properties that govern the component’s use of server and database resources. |
Specifies the primary key type for EJB entity Beans, and configures properties used to save state information for stateful components that can fail over between servers in a cluster. |
For EJB 2.0 components, specifies the authentication credentials that are used when methods call other components.. |
For EJB 1.0 components, specifies the user name and password that are used for intercomponent calls to components installed in the same server or cluster. |
Component properties: MDB Type |
Applies to Message-Driven Bean (MDB) components only. See “Message-driven beans” for more information. |
Component properties: Mirror Cache |
Configures properties required to support in-memory failover for stateful components running in a cluster. See “Mirror Cache tab component properties” for more information. |
Configures the custom class list for Java and EJB components. |
Configures the file set to be included when the component is exported in Jaguar JAR format or replicated to another installation using the synchronize feature. |
For EJB 2.0 components, configures the XML parser implementations used by the component. |
Allows you to manually edit component property settings in the EAServer configuration repository. For advanced users. |
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