Building and deploying the external component executable  Chapter 15: Creating CORBA C++ Clients

Chapter 14: Creating CORBA C++ Components

Creating C++ components for multiplatform clusters

If you run C++ components in multiplatform clusters, you must configure the additional settings described here.

To deploy C++ components in a multiplatform cluster, specify ${JAGUAR_PLATFORM} in the component library name, and do not include the platform-specific file extension such as .dll or .so. EAServer replaces this macro with the platform identifier when loading the component. This feature allows you to deploy libraries for multiple platforms in the same directory.

If running the component externally, specify ${JAGUAR_PLATFORM} in the C++ Executable name.

In EAServer Manager, the Use Platform Independent Library Naming option on the General Tab in the Component Properties dialog box strips the library extension from the library name and appends ${JAGUAR_PLATFORM} to the existing name.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 15: Creating CORBA C++ Clients

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