Fill out each section of the installation worksheet.
rs_init supplies default values for most of the items on the worksheets in “Replication Server installation worksheet” and “Database setup worksheet”. Many of the defaults are constructed from values that you enter. For example, if you enter “TOKYO_RS” for the Replication Server name, rs_init names the log file TOKYO_RS.log. You can accept the displayed value or enter something else.
To use the rs_init defaults, complete the required items on the worksheet, which are marked with an asterisk (*). When you run rs_init, copy the default values from the menu to the worksheet so that you have a complete record of the configuration.
Replication Server reserves identifiers that begin with “rs_”. Do not use names that begin this way for Adaptive Servers, Replication Servers, database objects, or login names. See the Replication Server Reference Manual for other restrictions.
The release directory—also called the installation directory—is where you install Replication Server software. Replication Server creates a new directory structure that allows you to use multiple versions of some components. For more information, see the Replication Server Installation Guide for your platform.
When installing Replication Server 15.0.1 in the existing
directory structure of Replication Server 15.0, the latest version
replaces the old one. If you think of reverting from version 15.0.1
to 15.0, you must make a complete backup of the directory structure
of version 15.0 prior to installing version 15.0.1. For more details,
see Chapter 4,”Special upgrade and downgrade instructions” in
the Release Bulletin for your platform.
You can install Replication Server version 15.0.1 in the existing directory structure of Replication Server version 12.0 and later.
Make sure the “sybase” user has write permission for the Sybase release directory. See the Replication Server Installation Guide for your platform for more information about the “sybase” user.
In the .cshrc or .profile file of the “sybase” user, set the SYBASE environment variable to the full path of the Sybase release directory. For example, if your path is /work/sybase, set the SYBASE environment variable as shown.
If you use the C shell, add this line to the .cshrc file:
setenv SYBASE /work/sybase
At the shell prompt, enter:
source .cshrc
If you use the Bourne shell, add this line to the .profile file:
SYBASE="/work/sybase"; export SYBASE
At the shell prompt, enter:
. .profile
Record the release directory on the worksheet.
In addition to $SYBASE, Replication Server
version 15.0.1 uses environment variables for Replication Server
($SYBASE_REP), and Open Client/Server™ ($SYBASE_OCS).
See Chapter 3 of the Replication Server Installation Guide for
your platform for more information.
This section explains how to complete the “Replication Server information” section of the worksheet:
Replication Server name Required – enter a name for the Replication Server. The name must be unique in the replication system.
Is this Replication Server the ID Server? Required – select Yes if you are installing the ID Server or No if you are not. See “ID Server information” for more information.
Replication Server error log Enter the path for the Replication Server error log file. Replication Server writes informational and error messages to this text file.
Replication Server configuration file Enter the path for the Replication Server configuration file, which contains parameters that Replication Server reads at start-up. For more information, see Chapter 4, “Managing a Replication System” in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1.
Replication Server password encryption Select Yes if you want passwords to be encrypted in the Replication Server configuration file and in the RSSD, and No if you do not want encrypted passwords.
WARNING! If you do not encrypt passwords, anyone with the required permissions can look at the passwords in the configuration files and in the RSSD rs_users system table.
Replication Server character set Enter the character set that the Replication Server will use. You can specify any Sybase-supported character set that is available for your language.
For replication to work properly, the character set used by the Replication Server should match the character set used by the data servers and RepAgents it controls. Additionally, it should be compatible with the character sets of the other Replication Servers in the system.
By default, rs_init configures Replication Server with the native character set for your platform. Additional information about character sets is available in the Adaptive Server Enterprise Configuration Guide.
The character sets in the English language version of Replication Server include:
cp437 (Code Page 437) – character set used in IBM PCs.
cp850 (Code Page 850) – IBM/Microsoft Multilingual Character Set, used in IBM PCs.
deckanji – DEC Kanji Code for JIS-X0208.
eucgb – EUC GB encoding for Simplified Chinese character sets.
eucjis – extended UNIX Code for JIS-X0201 and JIS-X0208.
eucksc – (Code Page 949) EUC KSC Korean encoding.
gb18030 – GB 18030-2000 standard for Chinese characters, established by the government of the People’s Republic of China.
iso15 – similar to iso_1.
iso_1 (ISO-8859/1) – 8-bit character set for many systems. This is the default for Adaptive Server with Sun, NCR System 3000, Silicon Graphics IRIX, Digital OpenVMS, and IBM RISC System 6000 AIX.
mac – default Macintosh character set.
roman8 – Hewlett-Packard character set.
roman9 – the same as roman8, except for codepoint 0xBA, previously treated as the universal currency symbol, now representing the euro currency symbol.
sjis (Shift-JIS) – IBM/Microsoft Code for JIS-X0201 and JIS-X02081.
utf8 – an ASCII-preserving encoding method for Unicode.
The Chinese language includes these character sets:
The Japanese language includes these character sets:
The Korean language includes these character sets:
The French, German, and Spanish languages include these character sets:
When you create a subscription, Replication Server copies the requested data from the primary database to the replicate database in a process known as subscription materialization. During subscription materialization, the primary data server converts character data to the replicate Replication Server character set. Make sure that the replicate Replication Server character set, if it is different from the primary data server’s character set, is installed at the primary data server.
Similarly, when you create a route, make sure that the character set of the destination Replication Server is installed at the data server of the source Replication Server RSSD.
Replication Server language Enter the language Replication Server should use to print messages to the error log and to clients. It can be any language that is compatible with the character set you will install.
By default, rs_init configures Replication Server to print messages in U.S.English.
Other available languages are Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. rs_init uses the same identifiers for language names that Adaptive Server uses.
If the language for the Replication Server and the language for its connected data servers are different, the language for the Replication Server must be installed at the data servers. This lets the data servers return messages to Replication Server in the configured language and recognize and format dates for the configured language.
For example, the date format “01/02/99” is equivalent to “January 2, 1999” in us_english but “February 1, 1999” in french. Data servers can format the date correctly only if the Replication Server configured language is installed.
Replication Server sort order Enter the sort order for the Replication Server. Sort order controls which rows of a table belong in a subscription that has a where clause involving character data. It also controls how identifiers you enter are recognized with regard to case sensitivity, accents, and so forth.
You can specify any Sybase-supported sort order that is compatible with your character set. For replication to work properly, all sort orders in your replication system should be the same.
By default, rs_init configures Replication Server with the binary sort order. Available sort orders vary, depending on the character set you plan to install. Sort orders are located in the Sybase release directory in the directory charsets/charset_name, where charset_name is the name of the character set.
See the Replication Server Design Guide for guidelines on configuring languages, character sets, and sort orders in your replication system.
This section explains how to fill out the “Replication Server security information” section of the worksheet. See Chapter 8 “Managing Replication Server Security” in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1, for more information on security, and Chapter 5, “Secure Sockets Layer” in this book for information specific to configuring SSL.
Network security is available only on Solaris.
Enable network security Required – select Yes to enable external network security, and No if you are not using network security.
Type of security system If you are enabling network security, select DCE or Kerberos.
Login name Enter the name of the primary user that will be making the secure connections. Sybase recommends that you use the name of the Replication Server as the principle user name.
Keytab file name Enter the full path to the location of the keytab file.
Use SSL security Select Yes if you are using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security, and No if you are not.
SSL identity file Enter the full path to the location of the SSL identity file.
SSL private key password Enter the private key password. The default password is password
Use the “Replication Server interfaces information” section of the worksheet to record information that defines the network port where Replication Server listens for connections. Each entry in the interfaces file is called a listener service.
If you are using network-based
security, available with version 11.5 or later, use the directory
services of your network security mechanism to register Replication
Servers, Adaptive Servers, and gateway software. See the documentation
that comes with your network-security mechanism for details.
Hostname/address Required – enter the name of the machine that is running Replication Server. If the machine has more than one host name or IP address, enter the name or address associated with the network you want to use.
Port Required – choose a port number between 1025 and 65535 that is not in use on the machine. Look in /etc/services or use the netstat command to find out which port numbers are in use.
Name alias Required – on networks that allow multiple protocols, you can use a name alias to distinguish listener services. An alias is a nickname for the Replication Server. You cannot use the alias for any other server on the network.
One Replication Server in a replication system is the ID Server. In addition to the usual Replication Server tasks, the Replication Server acting as the ID Server assigns a unique ID number to every Replication Server and database in the replication system. The ID Server also maintains version information for the replication system. Otherwise, the ID Server is like any other Replication Server.
When you install a new Replication Server or add a database to your replication system, the ID Server must be running. This allows the new Replication Server, or the Replication Server that manages the new database, to log in and retrieve an ID number. The ID Server must also be running whenever you create a route.
You must install the ID Server before you install any other Replication Server. If you have only one Replication Server, that server is also the ID Server. If you are installing for the first time, the Replication Server is the ID Server. If you are adding a Replication Server to an existing replication system, you must know the name of the Replication Server in the system that is the ID Server.
WARNING! The ID Server is critical to your replication environment, and is difficult to move once it has been installed. Plan your installation carefully.
ID Server name Required – if the Replication Server you are installing is the ID Server, rs_init assigns an ID Server name identical to this Replication Server name.
If you are installing a new Replication Server in an existing Replication Server domain, enter the name of the Replication Server that is acting as the ID Server.
ID Server user If the Replication Server you are installing is the ID Server, enter the login name that other Replication Servers will use to connect with this ID Server.
If you are installing a new Replication Server to an existing Replication Server domain, copy the ID Server user name from the worksheet you completed when you created the ID Server.
ID Server password If the Replication Server you are installing is the ID Server, enter the password for the ID Server user.
If you are adding a new Replication Server to an existing Replication Server domain, copy the ID Server password from the worksheet you completed when you created the ID Server.
The “Starting
Replication Server ID” and “Starting Database
ID” worksheet items apply only to the ID Server. If you
are not installing the ID Server, skip to “Replication Server System Database information”.
Starting Replication Server ID and starting database ID These two configuration parameters allow you to specify separate ranges of Replication Server ID numbers and database ID numbers that an ID Server will assign. You are not required to specify ranges, but makes it easier to merge replication systems later.
Some organizations have multiple independent replication systems. Each replication system has its own ID Server, which assigns unique IDs to its Replication Servers and databases. Since the ID Server determines member Replication Servers and databases in a replication system, one replication system in an organization with multiple replication systems is also called an ID Server domain.
No special steps are required to set up multiple ID Server domains. Every Replication Server or database belongs to one replication system and has a unique ID number in that ID Server domain.
If you decide to merge ID Server domains into one replication system, the task is easier if no two Replication Servers or databases in the organization have the same ID. To establish unique IDs, allocate non-overlapping ranges of ID numbers to the ID Servers at installation.
An ID Server assigns ID numbers sequentially. Separate ranges of values are maintained for databases and Replication Servers. The default ranges are shown in Table 1-1.
Object type |
Minimum ID number |
Maximum ID number |
Database |
101 |
16777215 |
Replication Server |
16777216 |
33554431 |
Minimum values for each ID Server must be within the ranges specified. For example, if your organization has three separate ID Server domains, you could set the minimum ID numbers as shown in Table 1-2.
ID Server domain |
Starting database ID |
Starting Replication Server ID |
Finance division |
101 |
16777216 |
Manufacturing division |
100101 |
16877216 |
Sales division |
200101 |
16977216 |
This arrangement provides the ID Server in each domain at least 100,000 ID numbers for databases and 100,000 ID numbers for Replication Servers. You need not set a maximum value, since it is unlikely that you will install more than 100,000 Replication Servers or add more than 100,000 databases to a replication system.
See Chapter 4, “Managing a Replication System” in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1, for more information about adding replication system domains.
Replication Server maintains its system tables in its system database. You can choose to set up a Replication Server System Database (RSSD) in an Adaptive Server Enterprise database, or an Embedded Replication Server System Database (ERSSD) in an Adaptive Server Anywhere database. Use the information in this section to complete the “Replication Server System Database” section of the worksheet.
If you want an RSSD with Adaptive Server Enterprise, see “Adaptive Server Enterprise RSSD information”. If you want an ERSSD with Adaptive Server Anywhere, see “Adaptive Server Anywhere ERSSD information.”
If you want an ERSSD, enter on your worksheet the information below. See Chapter 4, “Managing a Replication System” in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1, for more information on ERSSDs. All fields are required.
ERSSD name Enter the name of the ASA server that will hold the system database for the Replication Server.
ERSSD database file directory Enter the directory for the ASA server database file.
ERSSD transaction log directory Enter the directory for the ASA server transaction log.
ERSSD backup directory Enter the directory for the ASA server backup files.
ERSSD error log directory Enter the directory for the ASA server error log file.
rs_init automatically fills
these fields with default values on the same device. However for
better performance and recoverability, place the ERSSD database
directory, ERSSD transaction log directory, and ERSSD backup directory
on separate devices.
If you want an RSSD using Adaptive Server Enterprise, enter the following:
RSSD Adaptive Server name Required – enter the name of the Adaptive Server that will hold the system database for the Replication Server.
RSSD name Enter the name of the database where the Replication Server system tables will be stored.
Will RSSD be replicated? Required – select Yes if the RSSD for the Replication Server requires a RepAgent, and No if it does not. See “Which databases require Replication Agents?” for more information.
Allow HA failover for RSSD connections? Select Yes if the Adaptive Server managing the RSSD supports HA failover and you want RSSD connections to fail over to an alternative Adaptive Server, and No if you do not.
Create RSSD Required – select Yes if you want rs_init to create the system database.
Select No if the system database already exists or if you want to create it manually.
If the database already exists, it should be dedicated to this Replication Server. The database must have at least 10MB for data and 10MB for log space.
SA user Enter the login name for the “sa” user for the Adaptive Server that will hold the RSSD. The default is “sa.”
SA password Required – enter the “sa” password for the Adaptive Server that will hold the RSSD. rs_init uses the “sa” login name to create user login names and the system tables in the RSSD.
Primary user Enter the login name for the RSSD’s primary user. Replication Server uses this login name for system table updates. rs_init creates the primary user.
Primary password Enter the password for the RSSD’s primary user.
Maintenance login Enter the name of the maintenance user for the RSSD. Replication Server uses this login name to perform operations on the system tables that are replicated from other sites. rs_init creates the maintenance user for you and adds the maintenance user to the RSSD.
Maintenance password Enter the password for the RSSD maintenance user.
If you do not want rs_init to create the RSSD, skip this section. Go to “Disk partition information”.
If you selected Yes for “Create RSSD,” read this section and complete the “RSSD Device Information” section of the worksheet.
The RSSD device is the Adaptive Server database device where rs_init creates the Replication Server RSSD. Therefore, choose a database device other than the default master device, that has the minimum amount of space required. Use sp_helpdevice to list the available devices.
rs_init by default uses a minimum of 40MB
for the database size, and 16MB for the RSSD log size.
Select one of the following if the Adaptive Server does not have a device available for the RSSD:
Add a device and record the information on your worksheet
Have rs_init create the device when it installs Replication Server
If the Adaptive Server is not on the local machine,
you must create the device yourself. rs_init incorrectly
evaluates the local machine’s file system instead of the
remote machine’s file system when it validates the path
name and disk space requirements of the device.
If you want rs_init to create the device, verify that the disk file or raw partition you want to use exists and has the proper permissions. Execute sp_configure devices in Adaptive Server to verify that the value for devices is high enough to allow you to add a new device. See the Adaptive Server System Administration Guide for information about device requirements.
Use the information in this section to complete the “RSSD device information” section of the worksheet:
Size of the RSSD database Enter the size, in megabytes, of the data portion.
RSSD device name Required – enter the name of the Adaptive Server logical device where you want to create the RSSD. If the device already exists, it must have enough space available to create the new database.
Create the RSSD device Required – select Yes if you want rs_init to create the RSSD data device on the Adaptive Server database device.
Select No if the RSSD data device already exists, or if you will create it before you run rs_init.
RSSD device physical name If you want rs_init to create the RSSD device, enter the physical device name for the database device on which you want to store the RSSD.
If you do not want rs_init to create the RSSD data device, leave this entry blank.
RSSD device size If you want rs_init to create the RSSD device, enter the capacity, in megabytes, of the physical device. The device size must be at least the size you specified for the data portion of the RSSD database.
If you do not want rs_init to create the RSSD device, leave this entry blank.
Size of the RSSD log Enter the size, in megabytes, for the RSSD database log.
Sybase recommends
that you store the RSSD log on a device other than the master device,
and on a different device from the RSSD database.
RSSD log device name Required – enter the logical name for the device you want rs_init to use for the RSSD log.
Create the RSSD log device Required – select Yes if you want rs_init to create the RSSD log device in Adaptive Server.
Select No if the device already exists or if you will create it before you run rs_init.
RSSD log device physical name If you want rs_init to create the RSSD log device, enter the physical device name for the device.
If you do not want rs_init to create the RSSD log device, or if you are using a single device for both the RSSD and its log (this is not recommended), leave this field blank.
RSSD log device size If you want rs_init to create the RSSD log device, enter the capacity, in megabytes, of the physical device. The device size must be at least the size you specified for the RSSD log.
If you do not want rs_init to create the RSSD log device, or if you are using a single device for both the RSSD and its log (this is not recommended), leave this field blank.
Replication Server uses disk partitions for stable queues, which temporarily store the data it receives and sends.
Replication Server can use raw partitions, if they are available on your platform, or operating system files. Raw partitions provide improved recovery capability because the operating system does not buffer their I/O.
The minimum partition size is 20MB. You can add more partitions after the Replication Server is installed.
Use the information in this section to complete the “Disk partition information” section of the worksheet:
Disk partition path Required – enter the name of the physical disk device or the full path name of a file to be used for the disk partition. If you use an operating system file, there must be enough space on the file system for Replication Server to extend the file to the size you specify. You must have already created the operating system file.
See “Creating a disk partition” for instructions.
Logical identifier for disk partition Required – enter a logical identifier for the partition. This name is used in commands and in Replication Server messages to identify the disk partition. See the Replication Server Administration Guide for more information.
Size of disk partition Enter the size, in megabytes, of the disk partition. The partition must be at least 20MB.
Start value for partition This value prevents Replication Server from using the beginning of a raw disk partition. It is required if your operating system stores information, such as configuration maps, at the beginning of the disk partition. Enter the number of megabytes Replication Server should ignore. For example, if you enter 1, Replication Server will not use the first megabyte of the raw disk partition.
Creating a disk partition
If you use an operating system file for a partition, the file must exist before you specify it in rs_init.
To create an empty file for a partition, use a text editor or the UNIX touch command. Verify that there is enough free space on the file system for the file to grow to the size you specify. Replication Server extends the file to the full partition size during installation. Grant read and write permissions on the file to the “sybase” user.
For example, log in as the “sybase” user, and create the file with this command, where path is the full path to the disk file:
touch path
Set the permissions on the file:
chmod 600 path
The “Remote site connections information” section of the worksheet defines a login name for other Replication Servers to use when logging in to this Replication Server. rs_init creates this login after installing the Replication Server.
Replication Server login name Enter the login name that other Replication Servers will use to connect to this Replication Server.
Replication Server password Enter a password for the Replication Server login name.
See “Planning the replication system” for more information about when an RSSD requires a RepAgent.
Use the information in this section to complete the “Database Replication Agent information” section of the worksheet: