User Profiles

User profiles help you to standardize the look and feel of your models and to support standards by making groups of options and preferences portable for sharing and reuse across your organization. Various user profiles are provided with PowerDesigner, and you can create your own.

Various kinds of PowerDesigner options and preferences are stored in your model files and/or in your Windows registry. User profiles can contain default values for:
Note: An administrator can prepare customized preference profiles, which are made available to users on their first connection to the repository (see Controlling Defaults for Options and Preferences).

To view the list of user profiles, select Tools > Resources > User Profiles. For information about the tools available in resource file lists, see PowerDesigner Resource Files.

User profiles can contain any number of default preferences and options, the application of which is cumulative. Thus, if you apply a user profile that contains display preferences specifying that PDM table symbols are by default red, and view symbols blue, and then apply a second user profile that sets tables by default to green, then table symbols will be green, and view symbols blue. You can, of course, override these default preferences and options locally in the model.