Set up a database connector to enable Sybase Data Federation to access a relational database.
Create and configure the grid domain controller (GDC) for the domain that will host this database connector before performing this task.
To extract data from a relational database, your view model needs a pair of Data Federation services: a database operation to select the data, and a database connector to access the database. Database connectors are typically configured by database administrators.
WorkSpace Data Federation creates the database connector, tests it, and displays the results.
You can find the new database connector in the Enterprise Explorer tree under the grid domain controller: Categories/ViewLibrary/DatabaseServices/database_connector_name/domain_name.database_connector_name.
Later, if you want to modify the database connector: right-click it in Enterprise Explorer and select Edit from the context menu. WorkSpace displays the database connector wizard, which lets you edit all the properties described in this procedure.
To use a database connector, configure a database operation or provision a SQL view. Database operations and SQL views extract data from the database.
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