sp_iqlocks procedure


Shows information about locks in the database, for both the IQ store and the catalog store.


sp_iqlocks ([connection,] [[ owner.]table_name] max_locks,] [sort_order])


DBA authority required. Users without DBA authority must be granted EXECUTE permission to run the stored procedure.


Table 7-43 lists the optional sp_iqlocks parameters you can specify to restrict results.

Table 7-43: Optional sp_iqlocks parameters


Data type




Connection ID. With this option, the procedure returns information about locks for the specified connection only. Default is zero, which returns information about all connections.

owner.table_ name

char (128)

Table name. With this option, the procedure returns information about locks for the specified table only. Default is NULL, which returns information about all tables in the database. If you do not specify owner, it is assumed that the caller of the procedure owns the table.



Maximum number of locks for which to return information. Default is 0, which returns all lock information.



Order in which to return information:

  • C sorts by connection (default)

  • T sorts by table_name


Displays information about current locks in the database. Depending on the options you specify, you can restrict results to show locks for a single connection, a single table, or a specified number of locks.

sp_iqlocks displays the following information, sorted as specified in the sort_order parameter:

Table 7-44: sp_iqlocks columns




The name of the current connection.


Connection ID that has the lock.


User associated with this connection ID.


The type of table. This type is either BASE for a table, GLBTMP for global temporary table, or MVIEW for a materialized view.


The owner of the table.


Table on which the lock is held.


The index ID or NULL


String of characters indicating the type of lock:

  • S – share.

  • SW – share and write.

  • EW – exclusive and write.

  • E – exclusive.

  • P – phantom.

  • A – antiphantom.

  • W – write.

All locks listed have one of S, E, EW, or SW, and may also have P, A, or both. Phantom and antiphantom locks also have a qualifier of T or *:

  • T – the lock is with respect to a sequential scan.

  • * – the lock is with respect to all scans.

  • nnn – Index number; the lock is with respect to a particular index.

Sybase IQ obtains a share lock before a write lock. If a connection has exclusive lock, share lock does not appear. For write locks, if a connection has all-exclusive, share, and write locks, it is EW.


Value identifying the lock (dependent on the lock class)


The identifier for the row or NULL.

If sp_iqlocks cannot find the connection ID or user name of the user who has a lock on a table, it displays a 0 (zero) for the connection ID and User unavailable for the user name.

NoteExclusive, phantom, or antiphantom locks can be placed on SQL Anywhere tables, but not on Sybase IQ tables. Unless you have explicitly taken out locks on a table in the catalog store, you never see these types of locks (or their qualifiers T, *, and nnn) in a Sybase IQ database. For information on how locking works in SQL Anywhere tables, see SQL Anywhere Server – SQL Usage.


The example shows the sp_iqlocks procedure call and its output in a Sybase IQ database. The procedure is called with all default options, so that the output shows all locks, sorted by connection.

call sp_iqlocks()
conn_name  conn_id  user_id  table_type  creator  table_name  
=========  =======  =======  ==========  =======  ==========  
con1       70187172 'mary'   BASE        DBA       t1         

index_id              lock_class  lock_duration  lock_type  row_identifier
========              ==========  =============  =========  ==============
ASIQ_IDX_T452_C19_FP  Table       Position       Table      1