Framework architects can create a framework matrix to guide their modeling teams through building a project. You can specify actions for each cell in the framework matrix that control what kind of document (model, diagram, model objects list etc.) must be attached to them.
- Right-click a project in the Browser, and select to open the framework matrix property sheet, or right-click the background of any project diagram, and select , or select .
You can create only one framework matrix per project.
- Enter a name for the framework matrix on the General tab (see Framework Matrix Properties).
- Click the Columns tab, and create an appropriate number of framework matrix columns, entering a name for each.
- Click the Rows tab, and create an appropriate number of framework matrix rows, entering a name for each.
- [optional] Click the Additional
Areas tab, and create an appropriate number of additional areas,
which will be displayed outside the main matrix grid, entering a name for
- Click OK to close the property sheet and create your framework matrix.
- Create actions for each cell to specify the types of documents
that your modelers can attach to the cell (see Specifying Framework Node and Cell Actions).
- [optional] Select to open the New Template Wizard, and convert the project
containing your framework matrix into a template to allow it to be reused as the
basis for future projects (see Project and Framework Templates).