Framework architects can modify a framework matrix properties from its property sheet by enabling the Framework Design Mode, and double-clicking the framework matrix top-left corner.
For more information on enabling the Framework Design Mode, see Designing Framework Diagrams and Matrices.
In addition to the General tab, the framework matrix property sheet contains the following tabs:
Rows tab – displays a sortable list of rows, in which you can create, edit or delete rows. See Framework Column and Row Properties.
Columns tab – displays a sortable list of columns, in which you can create, edit or delete columns. See Framework Column and Row Properties.
Cells tab – displays a list of cells, which is computed from the intersection of columns and rows or from the creation of additional areas. You can edit cells but you cannot delete them unless you delete the columns or rows to which they belong. See Framework Node, Cell and Additional Area Properties.
Additional Areas tab – displays the four additional areas available to the framework matrix. You can create, edit or delete additional areas. See Framework Node, Cell and Additional Area Properties.