To update parameters that affect logical connections, log in to the source Replication Server and, at the isql prompt, enter:
alter logical connection to logical_ds.logical_db set logical_database_param to 'value'
where logical_ds is the data server name for the logical connection, logical_db is the database name for the logical connection, logical_database_param is a logical database parameter, and value is a character string setting for the parameter.
New settings take effect immediately.
WARNING! You should reset the logical connection parameters materialization_save_interval and save_interval only when there is a serious lack of stable queue space. Resetting them (from strict to a given number of minutes) may lead to message loss at the standby database.
Table 3-6 displays the configuration parameters that affect logical database connections.
logical_database_param |
value |
deferred_name_resolution |
Enable deferred name resolution in Replication Server to support deferred name resolution in Adaptive Server. You must ensure that deferred name resolution is supported in the replicate Adaptive Server before you enable deferred name resolution support in Replication Server. Default: off
materialization_save_interval |
Materialization queue save interval. This parameter is only used for standby databases in a warm standby application. Default: “strict” for standby databases |
replicate_minimal_columns |
Specifies whether Replication Server should send all replication definition columns for all transactions or only those needed to perform update or delete operations at the standby database. Values are “on” and “off.” Replication Server uses this value in standby situations only when a replication definition does not contain a “send standby” parameter, or if there is no replication definition at all. Otherwise, Replication Server uses the value of the “replicate minimal columns” or “replicate all columns” parameter in the replication definition. Default: on When you set dsi_compile_enable to ‘on’, Replication Server ignores what you set for replicate_minimal_columns. |
save_interval |
The number of minutes that the Replication Server saves messages after they have been successfully passed to the destination data server. See “Save interval for recovery” for details. Default: 0 minutes |
send_standby_repdef_cols |
Specifies which columns Replication Server should send to the standby database for a logical connection. Overrides “send standby” options in the replication definition that tell Replication Server which table columns to send to the standby database. Values are:
Default: check_repdef |