When you create or alter a database, you allocate a finite amount of space for its
data and log segments. As you create objects and insert data, the amount of free space in the
database decreases.
Monitoring Free Space with the Last-Chance Threshold
All databases, including master, have a last-chance threshold, which is an estimate of the number of free log pages that are required to back up the transaction log. As you allocate more space to the log segment, SAP ASE automatically adjusts the last-chance threshold.
Rollback Records and the Last-Chance Threshold
Rollback records are logged whenever a transaction is rolled back. Servers save enough space to log a rollback record for every update belonging to an open transaction.
Automatically Aborting or Suspending Processes
By design, the last-chance threshold allows enough free log space to record a dump transaction command. There may not be enough room to record additional user transactions against the database.
Waking Suspended Processes
When dump transaction frees sufficient log space, suspended processes automatically awaken and complete.
Adding, Changing, and Deleting Thresholds
The database owner or system administrator can create additional thresholds to monitor free space on any segment in the database.
Creating Threshold Procedures
SAP does not supply threshold procedures; create them yourself to ensure that they are tailored to your site’s needs.
Disabling Free-Space Accounting for Data Segments
Use the no free space acctg option to sp_dboption to disable free-space accounting on data segments. You cannot disable free-space accounting on the log segment.