Before configuring SAP ASE for DTM, you should consider how doing so affects the XA
interface, external transactions, and RPC, CIS, and SYB2PC transactions.
Behavior for Transaction Manager-Coordinated Transactions
SAP ASE natively implements several features that were part of the XA-Library and XA-Server products, and provides recovery procedures for prepared transactions coordinated via the X/Open XA protocol.
Enhanced Transaction Manager for SAP ASE Versions 15.0.3 or Later
In versions of SAP ASE earlier than 15.0.3, when SAP ASE implicitly aborts an external transaction without the application’s awareness, DML commands that would normally run inside this transaction might instead be executed outside the explicit transaction.
RPC and CIS Transactions
Local SAP ASE transactions can update data in remote servers by using Transact-SQL remote procedure calls (RPCs) and Component Integration Services (CIS).
SYB2PC Transactions
SYB2PC transactions use the SAP two-phase commit protocol to ensure that the work of a distributed transaction is committed or rolled back as a logical unit.