Installer Hangs Starting Services after Upgrade

Problem: After upgrading a 2.2 SP04 cluster to 2.3 using the SAP Mobile Platform installer, then adding a new 2.3 server node into the upgraded cluster, the installer hangs while starting SAP Mobile Platform services.

Explanation: This happens when upgrading from 2.2 SP04 SAP Mobile Platform to 2.3, because the newly installed 2.3 node includes some JAR files that are incompatible with the upgraded 2.3 cluster. This does not happen when upgrading from SAP Mobile Platform 2.2 SP04 to 2.3 SP01.

  1. Upgrade the 2.2 SP04 cluster to 2.3.

  2. Upgrade the 2.3 cluster to 2.3 SP01.

  3. Add a new 2.3 server node into the upgraded 2.3 SP01 cluster. The installer will not hang, because it will not start older version server nodes when installing into the newer version cluster.

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