Diagnostic Tool Command Line Utility (diagtool.exe) Reference

Ensure a valid configuration from end-to-end using the diagnostic tool (diagtool) command line utility.

Default file location: The diagtool.exe tool is located in the SAP Mobile Platform installation folder at SMP_HOME\Servers\UnwiredServer\diagtool.

Note: You can create a zip file of the entire contents of the folder and then run the diagtool.exe command after extracting the zip file. The diagtool is a self-sufficient executable that can run on any Windows machine.


diagtool verify options


This command line utility can be used to validate different aspects of SAP Mobile Platform. Parameters are organized by supported use cases:
Parameters for Command Support
Parameter Description
verify Verify specific configuration
Parameters for Supported Sub-commands
Parameter Description
-push Verify messaging connection
-sync Verify synchronization connection
-register Verify automatic registration configuration for a specified application
-security Validate specific security configuration
-e2ee Validate end-to-end security configuration setup
Parameters for Common Connection Options (Required for All Sub-commands)
Parameter Description
-h Host name of the server (default is the local machine host name)
-P Messaging server port (default value is 5011)
-u User name that is validated by the specified security configuration or "admin" security configuration per the verification command
-p Password
Parameters for Messaging Verification
Parameter Description
-push Validate messaging connection
Parameters for Security Configuration Verification
Parameter Description
-security Verify security configuration
-sc Security configuration
Parameters for Messaging Synchronization Verification (Relay Server and HTTPS)
Parameter Description
-urlsuffix Relay Server URL suffix for the messaging farm
-farmid Relay Server farm ID for the messaging farm
-https (Optional) Use HTTPS protocol for the messaging connection (-P should be the HTTPS port)
-cert (Optional) Specify the messaging server certificate (only needed if using an unknown or self-signed certificate)
Parameters for Diagtool Verbosity Option
Parameter Description
-verbose (Optional) Output detail trace information
Parameters for End-to-End Encryption Verification
Parameter Description
-e2ee Validate end-to-end encryption
Parameters for Replication Synchronization Verification
Parameter Description
-sync Verify synchronization
-synchost Specify the synchronization host name (of the SAP Mobile Platform server or Relay Server of the intermediary load balancer)
-syncport Specify the synchronization port number (of the SAP Mobile Platform server or Relay Server or the intermediary load balancer)
-syncfarmid Relay Server farm ID for the synchronization
-syncurlsuffix Relay Server URL suffix for the synchronization farm
-synchttps (Optional) Use HTTPS for synchronization connection (-syncport should be the HTTPS port)
-synccert (Optional) Full path to the synchronization server certificate (only needed if using an unknown or self-signed certificate)
Parameters for Automatic Registration Verification
Parameter Description
-register Verify automatic registration
-appid Application ID for which the verification must be done (security configuration can be optionally specified)
Note: The admin security configuration is used for validating credentials passed in to verify messaging and synchronization connection. Similarly, the admin security configuration is used by default for the automatic registration command when not specified.
Note: The diagnostic tool does not support validation of certificate login module based security configuration.
