- Scenario: Verify security configuration
- Verify that a security configuration is properly configured on
SAP Mobile Server.
diagtool verify -security -h host -P port -u username -p password -sc security_configuration
- Scenario: Verify connection to SAP Mobile Server messaging port - Verify
that the messaging client is connecting to SAP Mobile Server
diagtool verify -push -h host -P port -u username -p password
- Scenario: Verify the connection to
SAP Mobile Server messaging port via a Relay
Server - Verify the messaging client connection to
SAP Mobile Server via Relay Server.
diagtool verify -push -h host -P port -u username -p password -farmid farm_ID -urlsuffix URL_suffix
- Scenario: Verify connection to
SAP Mobile Server replication synchronization
port - Verify that the replication client is connecting to
SAP Mobile Server directly.
diagtool verify -sync -h host -P port -u username -p password -synchost sync_host -syncport sync_port
- Scenario: Verify connection to
SAP Mobile Server via Relay Server to both messaging
and replication ports - Verify a connection to
SAP Mobile Server via Relay
diagtool verify -sync -h host -P port -u username -p password -farmid farm_ID -urlsuffix URL_suffix -synchost sync_host -syncport sync_port -syncfarmid sync_farm_ID -syncurlsuffix sync_URL_suffix
- Scenario: Verify automatic
registration - Verify that automatic registration is set up for the
application ID in
SAP Mobile Server.
diagtool verify -register -appid application_ID -h host -P port -u username -p password
- Scenario: Verify automatic registration
via Relay Server - Verify that automatic registration is set up for
the application ID in SAP Mobile Server connecting via Relay
diagtool verify -register -appid application_ID -h host -P port -u username -p password-farmID farm_ID -urlsuffix URL_suffix
- Scenario: Verify Encryption Security - Verify that end-to-end
encryption security is set up in SAP Mobile Server for a replication
sychronization client connecting via Relay
diagtool verify -e2ee -h host -P port -u username -p password -farmid farm_ID -urlsuffix URL_suffix -synchost sync_host -syncport sync_port -syncfarmid sync_farm_ID -syncurlsuffix sync_URL_suffix
Note: To test a messaging connection via a secure port of Relay Server, add the
-https option to the command line. Similary, add
-synchttps to test a connection via the secure port of
Relay Server for replication synchronization connection. You may also use the
-cert option to specify the location of the file containing
trusted certificates. If you are using a third-party proxy or load balancer
between the client and SAP Mobile Server instead of Relay Server, you will use the
direct connection option to specify the load balancer host and port