SAP Mobile Server runtime supports many utilities used to manage the server environment and its artifacts.
Launch these utilities from the command line, or from SAP Control Center.
License Upgrade (license) Utility
Upgrades the license in a served model when you purchase more licenses from SAP. In an unserved model, you simply replace the license file. This utility is located in SMP_HOME\Servers\UnwiredServer\bin.
Synchronization Monitor (mlmon) Utility
Monitors the progress of replication synchronization and checks for potential data contention or bottlenecks. This utility is located in SMP_HOME \Servers\SQLAnywhereXX\BIN32.
Package Administration (supadmin.bat) Utility
Deploy, delete, import, and export application packages using the administration with supadmin.bat and its supported commands. You can execute these commands from the administration command line utility console or from the command line.
Log Correlation Command Line Utility (consolidate-logs.bat)
Command line utility to consolidate, correlate, and filter the content of the server logs. The utility is limited to the SAP Mobile Server and cluster logs. The consolidate-logs.bat utility is typically used by the SAP Mobile Platform support team, but can be used by administrators to collect data for analysis or reporting to the support team.