sendRequest( method, url, header, requestBody, successCB, errorCB, [user], [password], [timeout], [certSource] ) method

Send a HTTP(S) request to a remote server.


<static> sendRequest( method, url, header, requestBody, successCB, errorCB, [user], [password], [timeout], [certSource] ) → {anonymous.abort}


Name Type Argument Description
method string   Standard HTTP request method name.
url string   The http url with format http(s)://[user:password]@hostname[:port]/path.
header Object   HTTP header to be sent to server.This is an Object. Can be null.
requestBody string   Data to be sent to server with the request.It’s a string value. Can be null.
successCB anonymous.sendRequestSuccessCB   Callback method upon success.
errorCB anonymous.sendRequestErrorCB   Callback method upon failure.
user string (optional) User ID for basic authentication.
password string (optional) User password for basic authentication.
timeout number (optional) Timeout setting in seconds.
certSource Object (optional) Certificate description object.It can be one of HttpsConnection.CertificateFromFile, HttpsConnection.CertificateFromStore, or HttpsConnection.CertificateFromAfaria.


A JavaScript function object to cancel the operation.




// To send a post request to server, call the method
HttpsConnection.sendRequest("POST", "", null, "THIS IS THE BODY", function (data) {
       alert("Status: " + JSON.stringify(data.status));
       alert("Headers: " + JSON.stringify(data.headers));
       alert("Response: " + JSON.stringify(data.response));
       }, function (data) {
       alert("Failed: " + JSON.stringify(data));}};
// To send a post request to server with headers, call the method
HttpsConnection.sendRequest("POST", url, {HeaderName : "Header value"}, "THIS IS THE BODY", successCB, errorCB);
// To send a post request to server with basic authentication, call the method
HttpsConnection.sendRequest("POST", url, headers, "THIS IS THE BODY", successCB, errorCB, "username", "password");
// To send a post request to server with mutual authentication, call the method
HttpsConnection.sendRequest("POST", "https://hostname", headers, "THIS IS THE BODY", successCB, errorCB, null, 
    null, 0, new CertificateFromFile("/mnt/sdcard/my.keystore", "password", "mykey"));


Plugins/HttpsProxy/https-proxy.js, line 289.