
1       /*
2        * Sybase Hybrid App version 2.3.4
3        * Sybase PhoneGap HTTPS proxy
4        *
5        * https-proxy.js
6        * This file will not be regenerated, so it is possible to modify it, but it
7        * is not recommended.
8        *
9        * Copyright (c) 2013 Sybase Inc. All rights reserved.
10       */
12      /** 
13       * Holds PhoneGap HTTP(S) proxy JavaScript 
14       * @namespace 
15       */
16      (function (window, undefined) {
17          if (!window.HttpsConnection) {
18              window.HttpsConnection = {};
19          }
21          var HttpsConnection = window.HttpsConnection;
23         /**
24          * Constant definitions for registration methods
25          */
27         /**
28          * Constant indicating the operation failed with unknown error. Used in {@link anonymous.sendRequestErrorCBParameter}
29          * @type number 
30          */
31          HttpsConnection.ERR_UNKNOWN = -1;
32         /**
33          * Constant indicating the operation has invalid parameter. Used in {@link anonymous.sendRequestErrorCBParameter}
34          * @type number 
35          */
36          HttpsConnection.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE = -2;
37         /**
38          * Constant indicating the operation failed because of missing parameter. Used in {@link anonymous.sendRequestErrorCBParameter}
39          * @type number 
40          */
41          HttpsConnection.ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER = -3;
42         /**
43          * Constant indicating there is no such cordova action for the current service. Used in {@link anonymous.sendRequestErrorCBParameter}
44          * @type number 
45          */
46          HttpsConnection.ERR_NO_SUCH_ACTION = -100;
47         /**
48          * Constant indicating certificate from file keystore is not supported on current platform. Used in {@link anonymous.sendRequestErrorCBParameter}
49          * @type number 
50          */
51          HttpsConnection.ERR_FILE_CERTIFICATE_SOURCE_UNSUPPORTED    = -101;
52         /**
53          * Constant indicating certificate from system keystore is not supported on current platform. Used in {@link anonymous.sendRequestErrorCBParameter}
54          * @type number 
55          */
57         /**
58          * Constant indicating certificate from Afaria server is not supported on current platform. Used in {@link anonymous.sendRequestErrorCBParameter}
59          * @type number 
60          */
62         /**
63          * Constant indicating the certificate with given alias could not be found. Used in {@link anonymous.sendRequestErrorCBParameter}
64          * @type number 
65          */
66          HttpsConnection.ERR_CERTIFICATE_ALIAS_NOT_FOUND = -104;
67         /**
68          * Constant indicating the certificate file could not be found. Used in {@link anonymous.sendRequestErrorCBParameter}
69          * @type number 
70          */
71          HttpsConnection.ERR_CERTIFICATE_FILE_NOT_EXIST = -105;
72         /**
73          * Constant indicating incorrect certificate file format. Used in {@link anonymous.sendRequestErrorCBParameter}
74          * @type number 
75          */
76          HttpsConnection.ERR_CERTIFICATE_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT = -106;
77         /**
78          * Constant indicating failed in getting certificate. Used in {@link anonymous.sendRequestErrorCBParameter}
79          * @type number 
80          */
81          HttpsConnection.ERR_GET_CERTIFICATE_FAILED = -107;
82         /**
83          * Constant indicating the provided certificate failed validation on server side. Used in {@link anonymous.sendRequestErrorCBParameter}
84          * @type number 
85          */
86          HttpsConnection.ERR_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION = -108;
87         /**
88          * Constant indicating the server certificate failed validation on client side. Used in {@link anonymous.sendRequestErrorCB}
89          * @type number 
90          */
91          HttpsConnection.ERR_SERVER_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION = -109;
92          /**
93          * Constant indicating the server request failed. Used in {@link anonymous.sendRequestErrorCB}
94          * @type number 
95          */
96          HttpsConnection.ERR_SERVER_REQUEST_FAILED = -110;
97         /**
98          * Constant indicating timeout error while connecting to the server. Used in {@link anonymous.sendRequestErrorCB}
99          * @type number 
100         */
101         HttpsConnection.ERR_HTTP_TIMEOUT = -120;
103         /**
104          * Create certificate source description object for certificates from a keystore file. 
105     	 * <b> Not supported on Blackberry platform </b>
106          * @class
107          * @memberOf HttpsConnection
108          * @public
109          * @param {string} Path Path of the keystore file. For iOS client, it first tries to load the 
110          *                 relative file path from application's Documents folder; if it fails, then tries
111          *                 to load the file path from application's main bundle. In addition, before trying 
112          *                 to load the certificate from file system, iOS client first checks whether the 
113          *                 specified certificate key already exists in the key store, if so, it just loads 
114          *                 the existing certificate from key store, instead of loading the certificate from 
115          *                 file system.
116          * @param {string} Password Password of the keystore.
117          * @param {string} CertificateKey An unique key that will be used to locate the certificate. 
118          */
119         HttpsConnection.CertificateFromFile = function (Path, Password, CertificateKey) {
120             this.Source = "FILE";
121             this.Path = Path;
122             this.Password = Password;
123             this.CertificateKey = CertificateKey;
124         };
126         /**
127          * Create certificate source description object for certificates from Afaria.
128          * @class
129          * @memberOf HttpsConnection
130          * @public
131          * @param {string} CN Common Name (CN) for CA/SCEP protocol. For iOS, the retrieved certificate is 
132          *                    stored in the key store with the common name as the certificate key, the 
133          *                    following requests for the same common name will just load the saved certificate 
134          *                    from key store, instead of sending a new request to Afaria server. 
135          * @param {string} [ChallengeCode] Challenge code for CA/SCEP protocol.
136          */
137         HttpsConnection.CertificateFromAfaria = function (CN, ChallengeCode) {
138             this.Source = "AFARIA";
139             this.CN = CN;
140             this.ChallengeCode = ChallengeCode;
141         };
143         /**
144          * Create certificate source description object for certificates from system keystore (Keystore in BB, Keychain in iOS and Android). 
145          * The certificateKey is not used on the BB platform. BB will prompt the user to select a certificate if a certificate was not already
146          * used for the server connection.
147          * @class
148          * @memberOf HttpsConnection
149          * @public
150          * @param {string} CertificateKey An unique key that will be used to locate the certificate. Not used in BB platform.
151          */
152         HttpsConnection.CertificateFromStore = function (CertificateKey) {
153             this.Source = "SYSTEM";
154             this.CertificateKey = CertificateKey;
155         };
157         HttpsConnection.MSG_MISSING_PARAMETER = "Missing a required parameter: ";
158         HttpsConnection.MSG_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE = "Invalid Parameter Value for parameter: ";
160         /**
161          * @private
162     	 * @param {Object} [certSource] Certificate description object. It can be one of {@link HttpsConnection.CertificateFromFile},
163          * {@link HttpsConnection.CertificateFromStore}, or {@link HttpsConnection.CertificateFromAfaria}.
164          * @param {anonymous.sendRequestErrorCB} errorCB Callback method upon failure.
165          */
166         HttpsConnection.validateCertSource = function(certSource, errorCB) {
167             if (!certSource) {
168                 // The certificate is not present, so just ignore it.
169                 return true;
170             }
172             // errorCB required.
173             // First check this one. We may need it to return errors
174             if (errorCB && (typeof errorCB !== "function")) {
175                 console.log("HttpsConnection Error: errorCB is not a function");
176                 return false;
177             }
179             try    {
180                 // First check whether it is an object
181                 if (typeof certSource !== "object") {
182                     errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE + "certSource"});
183                     return false;
184                 }
186                 if (certSource.Source === "FILE") {
187                     if (!certSource.Path) {
188                         errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_MISSING_PARAMETER + "keystore path"});
189                         return false;
190                     }
192                     if (typeof certSource.Path !== "string") {
193                         errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE + "keystore path"});
194                         return false;
195                     }
197                     if (!certSource.Password) {
198                         errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_MISSING_PARAMETER + "keystore password"});
199                         return false;
200                     }
202                     if (typeof certSource.Password !== "string") {
203                         errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE + "keystore password"});
204                         return false;
205                     }
207                     if (!certSource.CertificateKey) {
208                         errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_MISSING_PARAMETER + "certificate key"});
209                         return false;
210                     }
212                     if (typeof certSource.CertificateKey !== "string") {
213                         errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE + "certificate key"});
214                         return false;
215                     }
216                 } else if (certSource.Source === "SYSTEM") {
217                     if (!certSource.CertificateKey) {
218                         errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_MISSING_PARAMETER + "certificate key"});
219                         return false;
220                     }
222                     if (typeof certSource.CertificateKey !== "string") {
223                         errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE + "certificate key"});
224                         return false;
225                     }
226                 } else if (certSource.Source === "AFARIA") {
227                     if (!certSource.CN) {
228                         errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_MISSING_PARAMETER + "common name"});
229                         return false;
230                     }
232                     if (typeof certSource.CN !== "string") {
233                         errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE + "common name"});
234                         return false;
235                     }
237                     if (!certSource.ChallengeCode) {
238                         errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_MISSING_PARAMETER + "Afaria challenge code"});
239                         return false;
240                     }
242                     if (typeof certSource.ChallengeCode !== "string") {
243                         errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE + "Afaria challenge code"});
244                         return false;
245                     }
246                 } else {
247                     errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE + "certSource"});
248                     return false;
249                 }
251                 return true;
252             } catch (ex) {
253                 errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE + "certSource"});
254             }
255         };
257         /**
258          * Send a HTTP(S) request to a remote server.
259          * @memberOf HttpsConnection
260          * @public
261          * @param {string} method Standard HTTP request method name.
262          * @param {string} url The http url with format http(s)://[user:password]@hostname[:port]/path.
263          * @param {Object} header HTTP header to be sent to server. This is an Object. Can be null.
264          * @param {string} requestBody Data to be sent to server with the request. It’s a string value. Can be null.
265          * @param {anonymous.sendRequestSuccessCB} successCB Callback method upon success.
266          * @param {anonymous.sendRequestErrorCB} errorCB Callback method upon failure.
267          * @param {string} [user] User ID for basic authentication.
268          * @param {string} [password] User password for basic authentication.
269          * @param {number} [timeout] Timeout setting in seconds.
270          * @param {Object} [certSource] Certificate description object. It can be one of {@link HttpsConnection.CertificateFromFile},
271          * {@link HttpsConnection.CertificateFromStore}, or {@link HttpsConnection.CertificateFromAfaria}.
272          * @returns {anonymous.abort} A JavaScript function object to cancel the operation.
273          * @example
274          * // To send a post request to server, call the method
275          * HttpsConnection.sendRequest("POST", "", null, "THIS IS THE BODY", function (data) {
276          *        alert("Status: " + JSON.stringify(data.status));
277          *        alert("Headers: " + JSON.stringify(data.headers));
278          *        alert("Response: " + JSON.stringify(data.response));
279          *        }, function (data) {
280          *        alert("Failed: " + JSON.stringify(data));}};
281          * // To send a post request to server with headers, call the method
282          * HttpsConnection.sendRequest("POST", url, {HeaderName : "Header value"}, "THIS IS THE BODY", successCB, errorCB);
283          * // To send a post request to server with basic authentication, call the method
284          * HttpsConnection.sendRequest("POST", url, headers, "THIS IS THE BODY", successCB, errorCB, "username", "password");
285          * // To send a post request to server with mutual authentication, call the method
286          * HttpsConnection.sendRequest("POST", "https://hostname", headers, "THIS IS THE BODY", successCB, errorCB, null, 
287     	 *     null, 0, new CertificateFromFile("/mnt/sdcard/my.keystore", "password", "mykey"));
288          */
289         HttpsConnection.sendRequest = function (method, url, header, requestBody, successCB, errorCB, user, password, timeout, certSource){
291             // errorCB required.
292             // First check this one. We may need it to return errors
293             if (!errorCB || (typeof errorCB !== "function")) {
294                 console.log("HttpsConnection Error: errorCB is not a function");
295                 // if error callback is invalid, throw an exception to notify the caller
296                 throw new Error("HttpsConnection Error: errorCB is not a function");
297                 return;
298             }
300             // method required
301             if (!method) {
302                 console.log("HttpsConnection Error: method is required");
303                 errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_MISSING_PARAMETER + "method"});
304                 return;
305             }
307             // We only support GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, DELETE method
308             if (method !== "GET" && method !== "POST" && method !== "HEAD" && method !== "PUT" && method !== "DELETE") {
309                 console.log("Invalid Parameter Value for parameter: " + method);
310                 errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE + "method"});
311                 return;
312             }
314             // url required
315             if (!url) {
316                 console.log("HttpsConnection Error: url is required");
317                 errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_MISSING_PARAMETER + "url"});
318                 return;
319             }
321             // successCB required
322             if (!successCB) {
323                 console.log("HttpsConnection Error: successCB is required");
324                 errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_MISSING_PARAMETER + "successCB"});
325                 return;
326             }
328             if (typeof successCB !== "function") {
329                 console.log("HttpsConnection Error: successCB is not a function");
330                 errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE + "successCB"});
331                 return;
332             }
334             if (user && typeof user !== "string") {
335                 errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE + "user"});
336                 return;
337             }
339             if (password && typeof password !== "string") {
340                 errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE + "password"});
341                 return;
342             }
344             if (timeout && typeof timeout !== "number") {
345                 errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, description : HttpsConnection.MSG_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE + "timeout"});
346                 return;
347             }
349             if (!HttpsConnection.validateCertSource(certSource, errorCB)) {
350                 return;
351             }
353             try {
354                 var client = new HttpsConnection.Client(method, url, header, requestBody, successCB, errorCB, user, password, timeout, certSource);
355                 return client.send();
356             } catch (ex){
357                 errorCB({errorCode : HttpsConnection.ERR_UNKNOWN, description : ex.message});
358             }
359         };
361             /**
362          * Send a HTTP(S) GET request to a remote server.
363          * @memberOf HttpsConnection
364          * @public
365          * @param {string} url The http url with format http(s)://[user:password]@hostname[:port]/path.
366          * @param {Object} header HTTP header to be sent to server. This is an Object. Can be null.
367          * @param {anonymous.sendRequestSuccessCB} successCB Callback method upon success.
368          * @param {anonymous.sendRequestErrorCB} [errorCB] Callback method upon failure.
369          * @param {string} [user] User ID for basic authentication.
370          * @param {string} [password] User password for basic authentication.
371          * @param {number} [timeout] Timeout setting in seconds.
372          * @param {Object} [certSource] Certificate description object. It can be one of {@link HttpsConnection.CertificateFromFile},
373          * {@link HttpsConnection.CertificateFromStore}, or {@link HttpsConnection.CertificateFromAfaria}.
374          * @returns {anonymous.abort} A JavaScript function object to cancel the operation.
375          * @example
376          * // To send a get request to server, call the method
377          * HttpsConnection.get("", null, function (data) {
378          *            alert("Status: " + JSON.stringify(data.status));
379          *            alert("Headers: " + JSON.stringify(data.headers));
380          *          if (data.responseText){
381          *                 alert("Response: " + JSON.stringify(data.responseText));
382          *          }
383          *        }, 
384          *      function (error) {
385          *             alert("Failed: " + JSON.stringify(error));
386          *      }};
387          * // To send a get request to server with headers, call the method
388          * HttpsConnection.get(url, {HeaderName : "Header value"}, successCB, errorCB);
389          * // To send a get request to server with basic authentication, call the method
390          * HttpsConnection.get(url, headers, successCB, errorCB, "username", "password");
391          * // To send a get request to server with mutual authentication, call the method
392          * HttpsConnection.get("https://hostname", headers, successCB, errorCB, null, null, 0, 
393     	 *     new CertificateFromFile("/mnt/sdcard/my.p12", "password", "mykey"));
394          */
395         HttpsConnection.get = function (url, header, successCB, errorCB, user, password, timeout, certSource){
396             return HttpsConnection.sendRequest("GET", url, header, null, successCB, errorCB, user, password, timeout, certSource);
397         };
399         /**
400          * Delete cached certificate from keychain. iOS client will always try the cached certificate first if it is available before requesting the certificate from
401          * afaria server or loading the certificate from file system. In case the cached certificate is no longer valid, use this method to delete it from keychain
402          * <b> Only supported by iOS platform </b>
403          * @memberOf HttpsConnection
404          * @public
405          * @param {anonymous.sendRequestSuccessCB} successCB Callback method upon success.
406          * @param {anonymous.sendRequestErrorCB} [errorCB] Callback method upon failure.
407          * @param {string} certificateKey The key of the certificate to be deleted.
408          */
409          HttpsConnection.deleteCertificateFromStore = function (successCB, errorCB, certificateKey) {
410             cordova.exec(successCB, errorCB, "HttpsProxy", "deleteCertificateFromStore", [certificateKey]);
411          };
414         /**
415          * @private
416     	 * @param {string} method Standard HTTP request method name.
417          * @param {string} url The http url with format http(s)://[user:password]@hostname[:port]/path.
418          * @param {Object} header HTTP header to be sent to server. This is an Object. Can be null.
419          * @param {string} requestBody Data to be sent to server with the request. It’s a string value. Can be null.
420          * @param {anonymous.sendRequestSuccessCB} successCB Callback method upon success.
421          * @param {anonymous.sendRequestErrorCB} errorCB Callback method upon failure.
422          * @param {string} [user] User ID for basic authentication.
423          * @param {string} [password] User password for basic authentication.
424          * @param {number} [timeout] Timeout setting in seconds.
425          * @param {Object} [certSource] Certificate description object. It can be one of {@link HttpsConnection.CertificateFromFile},
426          * {@link HttpsConnection.CertificateFromStore}, or {@link HttpsConnection.CertificateFromAfaria}.
427     	 * @returns {anonymous.abort} A JavaScript function object to cancel the operation.
428          */
429         HttpsConnection.Client = function ( method, url, header, requestBody, successCB, errorCB, user, password, timeout, certSource ) 
430         {
431           //ios plugin parameter does not support object type, convert Header and CertSource to JSON string
432           if (device.platform === "iOS" || (device.platform && device.platform.indexOf("iP") === 0 ))
433           {
434              if (header) {
435                 header = JSON.stringify(header);
436              }
437              if (certSource) {
438                 certSource = JSON.stringify(certSource);
439              }
440            }
442             this.Method = method;
443             this.Url = url;
444             this.Header = header;
445             this.RequestBody = requestBody;
446             this.SuccessCB = successCB;
447             this.ErrorCB = errorCB;
448             this.User = user;
449             this.Password = password;
450             this.Timeout = timeout;
451             this.CertSource = certSource;
452             this.IsAbort = false;
454             this.abort = function () 
455             {
456                 this.IsAbort = true;
457             };
459             this.send = function () 
460             {
461                 var args = [this.Method, this.Url, this.Header, this.RequestBody, this.User, this.Password, this.Timeout, this.CertSource];
463                 var me = this;
465                 var successCallBack = function(data) 
466                 {
467                     if (me.IsAbort === true) 
468                     {
469                         return;
470                     }
472                     successCB(data);
473                 };
475                 var errorCallBack = function(data) 
476                 {
477                     if (me.IsAbort === true) 
478                     {
479                         return;
480                     }
482                     errorCB(data);
483                 };
485                 cordova.exec(successCallBack, errorCallBack, "HttpsProxy", "sendRequest", args);
487                 return this.abort;
488             };
489         };
491     })(this);
493     /**
494      * Used to group anonymous objects and callback functions used as method parameters. Methods and fields in this
495      * namespace cannot be instantiated. Used for API docs generation only.
496      * @namespace 
497      */
498     anonymous = (typeof anonymous === "undefined" || !anonymous) ? {} : anonymous;      // SUP 'namespace'
500     /**
501      * Callback function that will be invoked HttpsConnection.get()/sendRequest() succeeded.
502      *
503      * @name anonymous.sendRequestSuccessCB
504      *
505      * @param {anonymous.sendRequestSuccessCBParameter} data The response data object.
506      * @function
507      */
509     /**
510      * Callback function that will be invoked HttpsConnection.get()/sendRequest() failed.
511      *
512      * @name anonymous.sendRequestErrorCB
513      * @param {anonymous.sendRequestErrorCBParameter} data The error object. 
514      * @function
515      */
517      /**
518       * Object used in {@link anonymous.sendRequestSuccessCB} function.
519       * @class
520       * @name anonymous.sendRequestSuccessCBParameter
521       * @property {number} status The HTTP status code
522       * @property {object} headers An object that contains headerKey = value pairs.
523       * @property {string} [responseText] The text response. This parameter is present only if the response is a text response.
524       * @property {string} [responseBase64] Base64 encoded representation of the binary response. This parameter is included only
525       *                                  if the response is a binary response. 
526       * @property {object} [clientError] An optional object that contains the authentication error. It is an object of {@link anonymous.sendRequestErrorCBParameter}.
527       */
529       /**
530       * Object used in {@link anonymous.sendRequestErrorCB} function.
531       * @class
532       * @name anonymous.sendRequestErrorCBParameter
533       * @property {number} errorCode Predefined error code
534       * @property {string} description The description of the error
535       * @property {number} [nativeErrorCode] The native error code reported from Afaria, device, etc (optional)
536       */
539     /**
540      * JavaScript function to abort the HTTP(S) request
541      *
542      * @name anonymous.abort
543      *
544      * @function
545      */