HttpsConnection namespace

The namespace for HTTP(S) proxy


Name Description
HttpsConnection.CertificateFromAfaria Create certificate source description object for certificates from Afaria.
HttpsConnection.CertificateFromFile Create certificate source description object for certificates from a keystore file.
HttpsConnection.CertificateFromStore Create certificate source description object for certificates from system keystore (Keystore in BB, Keychain in iOS and Android).


Name Description
deleteCertificateFromStore( successCB, [errorCB], certificateKey ) Delete cached certificate from keychain.
generateODataHttpClient() Generate an OData HttpClient object over https proxy of native platform.
get( url, header, successCB, [errorCB], [user], [password], [timeout], [certSource] ) Send a HTTP(S) GET request to a remote server.
sendRequest( method, url, header, requestBody, successCB, errorCB, [user], [password], [timeout], [certSource] ) Send a HTTP(S) request to a remote server.


Plugins/HttpsProxy/datajs-https-proxy.js, line 18.